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Aluminium Air Technology Aluminium Air Technology (Delhi)(Delhi) - Vehicles / Other
Energy can be transported safely and effectively thanks to aluminium air technology. IOC Phinergy transformed aluminum-air technology in India, reducing the country's dependency on lithium-ion batteri...
Aluminium Air Battery Aluminium Air Battery (Delhi)(Delhi) - Services / Other
IOC Phinergy brings to you the Aluminium Air Battery, an Indian technology that is advancing quickly. This Aluminium Air Battery helps to reduce the need for lithium-ion batteries. Using this technolo...
No Image Aluminium Fuel Cell (Delhi)(Delhi) - Services / Other
The way the aluminium fuel cell works is that it stores energy within the metal. Modern aluminium has the ability to store and release energy in a safe and environmentally friendly manner for a multit...
No Image Aluminium Air Battery (Delhi)(Delhi) - Services / Other
IOC Phinergy is a joint venture between IndianOil Corporation and Phinergy Limited. IOC Phinergy has patented the rights for Aluminium Air Battery India to manufacture and market its products. These b...