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Network Security First-Step: Network Security First by Thomas, Tom M. 158720410X  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwendung sowie die Verbreitung der Liebe zum Buch durch erneutes Lesen und Verwenden. Nach Preis ...
Emergency and Security Lighting by Honey, Gerard 0750650370 FREE Shipping  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Honey, Gerard. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem gehörte und gelesen wurde. Indem...
Advances in Information and Computer Security - 5th International Worshop on ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Seitenanzahl: 371. Sprache: Englisch. The exc- lentLocalOrganizingCommitteewasledbytheIWSEC2010GeneralCo-chairs, Hiroaki Kikuchi and Toru Fujiwara. Each paper was reviewed by at least three reviewers.
Ashraf, Mohammad - Global Warming and Food Security: An Economic Inquiry - Im...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Ashraf, Mohammad. Seitenanzahl: 68. The study also investigates empirically the impact of global warming on global agricultural production. The results of empirical investigations assert that ...
International Security: An Analytical Survey by Sheehan, Michael 1588262987  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Nach Preis einkaufen. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederve...

802.11 Security by Bob Fleck 0596002904 FREE Shipping  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Bob Fleck. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem gehörte und gelesen wurde. 802.11 Security. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abw...
Security Planning and Disaster Recovery by Sieglein, William 0072224630  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Sieglein, William. Security Planning and Disaster Recovery. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jem...
Beautiful Security: Leading Security Experts Explain Ho by John Viega 0596527489  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:John Viega. Beautiful Security: Leading Security Experts Explain How They Think. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch ...
Schwarze Baumwolle Sicherheit Kappe - ( Ideal Für Kostüm) Verstellbar bis Zu  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Schwarzer Sicherheitshut aus BaumwolleSchwarzer Klettverschluss auf der RückseitePassend für Köpfe bis 60cmEIN KLEINER ANGEPASSTER HUT.Nicht für Berufskleidung empfohlen.
-Intermodal Maritime Security BOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9780128199459. Format: BOOK.
A9 Kamera WIFI Remote Kamera Weitwinkel Home Security Nachtsichtkamera 720P Q4X8  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Resolution:1080P,720P(Optional). Continuous recording:More than 1 hour. Recording range:5㎡. 1 USB Data Cable. Video format:ASF. 1 Snaketube Data Cable. 1 Rotating Base. Built-in powerful magnet can ...
Sheward, Mike-Security Operations In Practice BOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Strichcode: 9781780175065. Informationen vergessen?.
The future for European energy security. Gasteyger, Curt: (Delitzsch) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Gasteyger, Curt Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempel und Signatur. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren.
MAMMOTH Kombination Kabelschloss - 20mm X 1.65m  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Hochleistungs-20 mm dickes Kabelschloss aus gehärtetem Stahl in einer Schutzhülle. Fügen Sie einen 5-stelligen Kombinationscode mit 100.000 benutzerdefinierbaren Kombinationen hinzu, und Sie haben ...
Principles of Information Security NEUARTIG Whitman Michael (Michael J. Coles Co  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Principles of Information Security. Title: Principles of Information Security. We aim to be helpful and flexible.andnbsp;. Binding: Paperback / softback. In rare cases the cover can be different. Coun...
Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar "Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American S (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Ihre Vorteile. "Das Übungsheft Mathematik 1"EUR 5,59. Wolfgang Hohlbein "Die Chronik der Unsterblichen 11. Glut und Asche"EUR 4,39. Sehr guter Service. "Gotteslob Erzbistum Paderborn. Großdruckausga...
Security Risk / Adirondack Attack: Security Risk (Th by Kernan, Jenna 0263274314  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Kernan, Jenna. Security Risk / Adirondack Attack: Security Risk (The Risk Series: A Bree and Tanner Thriller) / Adirondack Attack (Protectors at Heart) (Mills & Boon Heroes). Tatsache bleibt jed...
Samantray, Lal M. - OCCUPATIONAL STRESS: A CHALLENGE FACING THE SECURITY FORC...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Samantray, Lal M. The objective of the study is to lay special emphasis on occupational stress in the working of security forces and local police: the custodians of internal security, as its p...
Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Devices and Sensor Networks NEUARTIG  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Title: Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Devices and Sensor Networks. In rare cases the cover can be different. We aim to be helpful and flexible.andnbsp;. Country of origin: United States.
Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability - 5th International Conference, I...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
ICGS3 2009 received paper submissions from more than 20 different countries around the world. Only 28 papers were selected and were presented as full papers. June 2009 Hamid Jahankhani Ali Hessami Fen...
Kumar, Sudesh - WiMAX Technology: - Security Issues & Solutions  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Kumar, Sudesh. WiMAX is a standards-based wireless technology that provides solutions to the last mile problem of Wireless Access. There are various security vulnerabilities is still exists in...
Stanton, John - The American National Security Consciousness, Culture and Sta...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Stanton, John. Auflage: Aufl. Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 52. Sprache: Englisch.
Maoist Insurgency And India`S Internal Security BOOKH NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: BOOKH. Kondition: Neu.
Mini 2MP 1080P HD WIFI Network IP P2P IR Night Vision Camera Pinhole Security Ca  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Latest DSP digital signal processing technology. Remote Support DDNS,P2P. IR Night Vision. Network: RJ45/WIFI. Color 0.5LUX(IR ON). IR sensitivity Yes. IR-CUT Yes. Min.Scene Illumination.
U.S.-India Security Relations. Title: U.S.-India Security Relations. Publisher: Nova Science Publishers Inc. Binding: Hardback. In rare cases the cover can be different. We aim to be helpful and flexi...
Critical Information Infrastructures Security - 4th International Workshop, C...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
We were very fortunate in having a range of invited speakers that c- ered policy, research and industry perspectives. Orestis Terzidis, Vice President SAP AG, talked on the "The Internet for Energy: P...
4x Sommerreifen Security TR 603 155/80R13C 91/89N (Soest) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Die Reifen sind prinzipiell aus laufender Produktion und somit i.d.R. nicht älter als 2 Jahre. Das Schneeflockensymbol befindet sich häufig auf Winterreifen, um sie als solche kenntlich zu machen. V...
STM1403ATOQ6F【IC SECURITY SUPERVISOR 16-QFN】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
We don't work on weekends. If it can't work well or.
Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage Wa.. (Greven) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-12-12. Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Internet/Web, and HCI. Breite: 155 mm. Sprache: Englisch.
Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative Educational Curric..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Hoehe: 19 mm. Laenge: 235 mm. Sprache: Englisch.
Security and Loss Prevention: An Introduction (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Globally recognized and on the ASIS International Certified Protection Professional reading list, the'sixth edition ofSecurity and Loss Prevention ?. The sixth edition ofSecurity and Loss Prevention c...
Vladimir Rys Reinventing social security worldwide (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Sehr guter Service. Emily Thorne Faith and FateEUR 22,99. Stewart, Briana Fight Your DemonsEUR 8,29. " Spectrum Sight Words, Grade 1EUR 7,19. Chieh-Chen Bowen Straightforward StatisticsEUR 55,19. Dawn...
Oreku, George S. - ENHANCING E-COMMERCE SECURITY - Methods and Approaches to ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Oreku, George S. Most of the security problems are a result of using Open Networks, Poor Software Design, and Integration of large systems without concern for security. However, with so many s...
Security and Privacy Stanica, Pantelimon Gangopadhyay, Sugata Debnath, Sumit K..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Hoehe: 16 mm. Laenge: 235 mm.
Liam Riley, Emmanuel Chilanga, Lovemore Zuze "Food Security in Africa''s Seconda (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Ihre Vorteile. Große Auswahl. Sehr guter Service. Philippa Ballantine "Die Runen der Macht - Geisterzeichen"EUR 15,59. "Morgen, Findus, wird"s was geben"EUR 16,49. Viele Markenprodukte. Bild vergrö�...
Privacy, Security and Accountability (2015, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Physical and Logical Security Convergence: Powered By by Dunkel, Dan 1597491225  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Dunkel, Dan. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwe...
Tactical Sweatshirt Mil-Tec, flauschig warm, Oberarmtaschen, Größe L, black (Betzdorf) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Das Sweatshirt besteht aus60% Baumwolle und 40% Polyester. 2 große Oberarmtaschen mit Reißverschluss und Kabeldurchführung. Farbe: schwarz.
Sustaining Future Food Security in Changing Environments NEUARTIG  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
In rare cases the cover can be different. Publisher: Nova Science Publishers Inc. We aim to be helpful and flexible.andnbsp;. Country of origin: United States.
Selected documents relating to problems of security and cooperation in Europe, 1 (Delitzsch) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempel und Signatur. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. Sprache: Englisch.
Mens High Visibility Half Zip Hi Viz Vis Reflective Work Wear Safety Sweatshirt (BOLTON) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Long Sleeved Hi Viz SweatShirt. 2 Band and Brace. 2 BAND AND BRACE. KEEP CLEAN TO ENSURE MAXIMUM CONSPICUITY. REPLACE IF PERMANENTLY STAINED OF FADED. Reflective Tape. Colour: Orange or Yellow. LIABIL...
Changing patterns of security and stability in asia. Chawla, Sudershan: (Delitzsch) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Chawla, Sudershan Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempel und Signatur. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. Changing patterns of security and stability in asia. Sprache: Englisch.
Nuclear strategy and world security. Rotblat, Joseph: (Delitzsch) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Rotblat, Joseph Nuclear strategy and world security. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempel und Signatur. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren.
Human Security vs. Collective Security? von Marco Schlesiger (2013, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Mihailescu, Marius Iulian - Security of Biometrics Authentication Protocols -...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Mihailescu, Marius Iulian. A next step will consist in launching new challenges for researching by using quantum cryptography. Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 232. Sprac...
SPAREX® Squire Hasp & Staple - Hardened Maxiclam (Security rating: (Springe) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Marke: Sparex®. Folgen Sie uns. 31832 Springe-Gestorf. Das sagen unsere Kunden. HAUPTLAGER STD 105M. ABGASDICHTUNG 28714. PLEUELLAGER STD 85M. Alle Angaben freibleibend.
John T. Ackerman "Environmental Security: Evolution of a New Concept in Security (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
"Endspurt Vorklinik: Physik"EUR 12,09. Ihre Vorteile. Große Auswahl. Sehr guter Service. "Gotteslob. Katholisches Gebet- und Gesangbuch. Ausgabe für die Diözese RegensbEUR 43,49. Viele Markenproduk...
Vorsäulenkartusche Security Guard Cartridge 20x4mm Superspher 60 RP-8€ 4um 4 Pcs (Schönwalde) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
L3 RH F2.
Weltweit Beste Beruf Baseballkappe Kappe Geschenk Job Arbeit Idee Alle Jobs Maß  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Artikelbeschreibung Über uns  Qualität  5 Panel Baseball Cap • 100% Baumwolltwill • 5 Panels • 65-Grad-Winkel • Hochformiertes strukturiertes Profil • Gebogenes Visier • Klettverschlus...
Ahmed, Fahmi - African Peace & Security Architecture - In The Context Tow...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Seitenanzahl: 96. Sprache: Englisch.
Lusweti, Charles - Households and Food Security in Developing Countries - Sma...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Lusweti, Charles. Seitenanzahl: 104. Food security is a major concern world over. Sprache: Englisch. Genre: Land- & Forstwirtschaft.
Security and Defence in Europe Ramírez, J. Martín Biziewski, Jerzy Advanced Sc.. (Greven) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-06-13. Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Inhalt: Einband - fest (Hardcover). Sprache: Englisch.
National Ownership and Security Sector Reform in Mali von Karoline Eickhoff...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Romania 1961 UN ONU UNO Security Treaty Peace Dove Bird Maps People Imperf MNH (Trambileno) - Buy and Sell / Electronics

4x Sommerreifen Security TR 603 195/60R12C 108/106N (Soest) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Die Reifen sind prinzipiell aus laufender Produktion und somit i.d.R. nicht älter als 2 Jahre. Das Schneeflockensymbol befindet sich häufig auf Winterreifen, um sie als solche kenntlich zu machen. V...
Security Guard Officer Rave Clubbing Festival Music Funny Customize Hoodie (ISLEWORTH) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
We aren't into trends and we don't want fashion to own you. So what are you waiting for?. Whether you're lounging around, hanging with friends or having a well deserved night out. Wear one of our desi...
Community Gardens Contribution to Household Food Security von Stephen...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Rajendran, Regan - Security scheme and data clustering method in wireless sen...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Rajendran, Regan. This book gives the brief explanation about cross layer design and key generation for security in networks. Seitenanzahl: 88. Sprache: Englisch. Genre: Netzwerke & Internet.
Bolzen Konisch, Set 4 Pz - Ultra High Security - A010 Mcgard Peugeot (8/03 >): 2  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
KONISCHE SCHRAUBEN, 4-TEILIGES KIT - ULTRA HOHE SICHERHEIT - A010 MCGARD PEUGEOT (8/03>): 2 Oberer Bereich. Neben der bekannten Sicherheit des Standard-Diebstahlschutzriegels zeichnet sich die HIGH-SE...
Richard E. Smith Elementary Information Security (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Viele Markenprodukte. Kostenlose Gallery von. Sehr guter Service. Ian G. Malcolm Australian Aboriginal English: Change and Continuity in an AdopteEUR 88,69. Dawn Pretorius Beyond PlayEUR 34,29. Bild v...
Pittalia, Prashant - Ecommerce Security Real Life Cases And Practical Solutions  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Pittalia, Prashant. Without proper precaution it should be harmful for the people. A small mistakes makes a big impact on organization or corporate or individual. The real life cases of ATM, S...
Footer Mary E-Security And International Law BOOKH NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: BOOKH. Kondition: Neu.
Singh Bhubhindar-Reconstructing Japan`S Security (The Role Of Militar BOOKH NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: BOOKH. Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9781474446228.
Premises Security: A Guide for Security Professionals and Attorneys (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This is a practical, concise and informative guide. This book can be used in a proactive prevention mode as well as a reactive response to litigation claims. It also provides a common base of knowledg...
Mens Hi Viz Crew Safety Fleece Jumper Sweatshirt Visibility Work Security Top (MANCHESTER) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Hi-Viz Sweatshirt Reflective Visibility Jumper, Long Sleeves T-Shirt, Perfect For Workwear Safety Jumper, Crew Neck Style, Beautiful Soft And Stretchy. One 5 Cm High Visibility Strip Over Each Shoulde...
Security Policies and Implementation Issues (Information Systems Security & A... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
The study of information system security concepts and domains is an essential part of the education of computer science students and professionals alike.
Women involvement in farming activities and household food security von Jacob...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

2Pcs Upgraded Security Defender Home TüRverstäRkungsschloss Standhalten 800 U4X8  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Beenden Sie die Installation des Türschlosses in weniger als 5 Minuten. Entwickelt, um 800 Pfund Kraft zu widerstehen, 12-mal sttrker als ein normaler Riegel, um nicht eingetreten zu werden. Zum ffne...
Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Devices and Sensor Networks JETZIG  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Title: Security and Privacy Issues in IoT Devices and Sensor Networks. In rare cases the cover can be different. We aim to be helpful and flexible.andnbsp;. Country of origin: United States.
Publisher: Oxford University Press. Contemporary Security Studies is the definitive introduction to security studies, focussing on the key theoretical approaches and most important issues that dominat...
Door security (2010, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Carlson Bob-Maximize Your Social Security (US IMPORT) HBOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: HBOOK. Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9781684510504.
Theorising Die Europäische Union Als An International Security Provider  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
> ProduktbeschreibungDie Europäische Union nimmt zunehmend eine Rolle als internationaler Sicherheitsanbieter ein, die über den geografischen Geltungsbereich ihrer Mitgliedschaft hinausgeht. Dies wi...
Foucault M.-Security Territory Population (US IMPORT) BOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9781403986535.
PERFORMANCE & SECURITY FOR THE INTERNET. Title: PERFORMANCE & SECURITY FOR THE INTERNET. We aim to be helpful and flexible.andnbsp;. In rare cases the cover can be different. Binding: Hardback. Countr...
Information Security in Financial Organizations von Furhan Mehmood (2010,...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Food Security System in India von Maniklal Adhikary (2011, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Wolff Sarah-Security Sector Governance-Mig (US IMPORT) BOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9781911529927.
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Mattas, Konstadinos Baourakis, Georg..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Hoehe: 14 mm.
Author: IAEA. Publisher: IAEA. Provides guidance to States, authorities and operators on how to develop and maintain contingency plans for nuclear facilities. This publication can be used as a startin...
Calles Miguel A-Serverless Security (US IMPORT) BOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9781484260999.
Data Privacy Management and Autonomous Spontaneous Security Garcia-Alfaro, Joa..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Inhalt: Einband - flex. (Paperback). Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Hoehe: 22 mm.
Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security X Shi, Yun Q. Lecture Note..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Inhalt: Einband - flex. (Paperback). Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Since the mid 19. Hoehe: 6 mm. Laenge: 235 mm. Sprache: Englisch.
Hi Vis Visibility Shirt Two Tone High Viz Safety Security Work Reflective Top (BOLTON) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
2 Band 2 Brace. HIGH VISIBILITY SHIRT TWO TONE CREW NECK SAFETY SECURITY. WORK REFLECTIVE TOP. Hi Visibility 360° Reflectiveness. Anti Perspiration Soft Touch Advanced Tech Fabric. Long Sleeve Crew N...
Indoor Outdoor Adjustable Security Bracket for Arlo/Arlo Pro/Arlo Go/Canary N5M4  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
It has the function of waterproof, can be both for indoor and outdoor use. Mounting Place: Indoor & outdoor. The bracket allows for 360 degree rotation. Bracket Length: Approx 42cm. Bracket Weight: Ap...
Wireless Security Kamera IP 1080P HD WiFi für Baby Pet Nanny Motion Detection  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Dauerbetrieb für 3-5 Stunden, Daueraufzeichnungszeit 3 ​​Stunden. 1x Ladekabel. Anzahl der Nachtsichtlichter: 6 Stück 940 nm Infrarotlampe. Unterstützt Cloud-Speicher, unterstützt die Erkennun...
Ogosu, Roberts - Information System Security For SMEs - Management's Per...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Ogosu, Roberts. Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 76. Sprache: Englisch.
Sebastian Rohr - Industrial IT Security - Effizienter Schutz vernetzter Produ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Dies hat direkte Auswirkungen auf die notwendigen Schutzvorkehrungen für IT, Produktion und Produktionsdaten. Autor : Sebastian Rohr. Auflage: 1. Seitenanzahl: 142. Einband: Buch gebunden.
The New Peacekeeping and European Security: German and Canadian Interests and..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Die radikalen Veraenderungen in den internationalen Beziehungen haben nicht nur neue Handlungsmoeglichkeiten zur Konfliktregelung eroeffnet. Sie veraendern auch das Anforderungsprofil an Peacekeeping-...
Security, order and the bomb. Nuclear weapons in the politics and defence planni (Delitzsch) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempel und Signatur. GUTER Zustand, ein paar Gebrauchsspuren. Security, order and the bomb. Nuclear weapons in the politics and defence planning of non-nuclear weapon states.
Provable Security Baek, Joon Sang Bao, Feng Chen, Kefei Lai, Xuejia Lecture No..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Provable Security Baek, Joon Sang Bao, Feng Chen, Kefei Lai, Xuejia Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security and Cryptology. This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second Internationa...
iNetSec 2009 - Open Research Problems in Network Security Camenisch, Jan Kesdo..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
When we were elected to chair. Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-10-26. Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Inhalt: Einband - fest (Hardcover). Sprache: Englisch.
Mbowe, Abdoulie - Security Culture and it's legal omission  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Mbowe, Abdoulie. Seitenanzahl: 80. Sprache: Englisch.
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems Herrero, Álvaro..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-09-22. Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Sprache: Englisch.
Richardson Napolina-Kingdom Security & The Rise Of (US IMPORT) BOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9781647733520. Format: BOOK.
Social Security in the United States (2009, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection Janczewski, Lech Jan Kutylowski, M..  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection Janczewski, Lech Jan Kutylowski, Miroslaw IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 3...
Electron Transport in Nanosystems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B:  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Electron Transport in Nanosystems (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics). Publish Date: 2008. Binding: Paperback.
Security Policies & Implementation Issue BOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Kondition: Neu. Strichcode: 9781284199840. Format: BOOK.
A9 Kamera WIFI Remote Kamera Weitwinkel Home Security Nachtsichtkamera P3T3  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Continuous recording:More than 1 hour. Recording range:5㎡. 1 USB Data Cable. Video format:ASF. 1 Snaketube Data Cable. 1 Rotating Base. Built-in powerful magnet can absorb iron materials, very easy ...
RSS feed for Munchen Germany