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The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
The Basics of Information Security provides fundamental knowledge of information security in both theoretical and practical aspects. This book is packed with key concepts of information security, such...
Wall Table Mount Bracket for Google Wifi Security Bracket White V8X6  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
3 Taschen mit Befestigungsschrauben. Es sieht sauber und klassisch mit der Farbe von Weiß aus, hat keine unnötigen Verzierungen, spart Ihren begrenzten Platz. 3 Google Wifi Halterung. Material: ABS.
Sokratis K. Katsikas - Computer Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Edited by : Sokratis K. Katsikas. Sprache: en. Herausgegeben von: Springer International Publishing. - Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks. Edited by : Nora Cuppens. Edited by : Frédéric Cuppens. Sei...
Junji Shikata - Information Theoretic Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Edited by : Junji Shikata. This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Theoretic Security, ICITS 2017, held in Hong Kong, China, in November/Dece...
Get Whats Yours: The Secrets to Maxing Out Your Social Security (The Get What... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
T get anywhere else. You could try reading all 2,728 rules of the Social Security system (and the thousands of explanations of these rules), but Kotlikoff, Moeller, and Solman explain Social Security ...

Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College De France, 1977 - 78... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This book derives from Foucaults lectures at the College de France between January and April 1978, which can be seen as a radical turning point in his thought. Focusing on bio-power, he studies the fo...
At Peace and Unafraid: Public Order, Security, and the Wisdom of by 0836193083  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
At Peace and Unafraid: Public Order, Security, and the Wisdom of the Cross. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwendung sowie die Ve...
Lulijwa, Ronald - The Fish Export Trade and Food Security - Implications for ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Lulijwa, Ronald. It is noted that the initial Nile perch boom improved per capita fish consumption to 12 Kg by 1992. The local poor could only afford buying low quality and immature fish and i...
A Practical Guide to Security Assessments (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics

1pc New PILZ Security Module PSSU E S PD-D 312197 (南岗区) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wenn es nicht gut funktioniert oder. If it can't work well or.
Small Business Cyber Security: Your Customers Can Trust You...Right? (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Adam Anderson and Tom Gilkeson expose trends that the leading cybersecurity. and executable security plan?. Security is everyone�??. security expert, are able to use the tools and techniques necessa...
GUUDGO 1080P 2MP Dual Antenna Two-Way Audio Security IP Camera Night Vision Mot  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Essere professionista della security - [EPC Libri] (San Casciano In Val Di Pesa) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Editore EPC Libri. Possono presentare imperfezioni che comunque non pregiudicano la fruibilità del testo. Di lato è riportata la tabella dei costi (oltre i 10 kg) Nessuno . (entro i 10 kg) Nessuno.
Understanding the Risk Society: Crime, Security an by Mythen, Gabriel 0230555322  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Nach Preis einkaufen. Autor:Mythen, Gabriel. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie ein...
Auditing IT Infrastructures for Compliance (Information Systems Security & As... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Information systems and IT infrastructures are no longer void from governance and compliance given recent U.S.-based compliancy laws that were consummated during the early to mid-2000s. Auditing IT In...
Zukunftsfähigkeit der Rentenversicherung im Rahmen der Social Security in den...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Security Communities (Cambridge Studies in International Relations) (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This book argues that community can exist at the international level, and that states dwelling within an international community have the capacity to develop a pacific disposition. The contributors pr...
Student's Guide to Landmark Congressional Laws on Social Security and Welfare...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

The Organization for Security and Co-operation by Galbreath, David J. 0415407648  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Galbreath, David J. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwendung sowie die Verbreitung der Liebe zum Buch durch erneutes Lesen ...
Marla van Nieuwland - A Balance of Power in the United Nations Security Council?  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
By (author) : Marla van Nieuwland. Herausgegeben von: GRIN Verlag. Genre: Vergleichende und internationale Politikwissenschaft. Seitenanzahl: 32. Sprache: en. With a look at Chinese spending on foreig...
Security Management for Sports and Special Events: An Interagency Approach to... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
With proper protocols in place and a coordinated response, sport and facility professionals can ensure the safety of participants and spectators from terrorism, natural disasters, and other potential ...
Bu-Makaya, Emmanuel Bueya - Religion and Human Security in Wartime - Reflecti...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Bu-Makaya, Emmanuel Bueya. Seitenanzahl: 168. Sprache: Englisch. Can religion help promote human security in war-torn country (like the Democratic Republic of the Congo)?. I attempt to demonst...
Security and Trust Management (2019, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

HI VIS VIZ 2 TONE HOODED SWEATSHIRT. Manufactured in good quality brushed polyester inside to keep you warm. 2 Band & Brace. High Quality Retro Reflective Silver Tape. Adjustable Draw cord Around Hood...
Strapazierfähige Allround-Hose aus vorgewaschenem Baumwollgewebe in leichter Used-Optik. - 2 aufgesetzte Beintaschen mit Knöpfen. - 2 seitliche Schubtaschen. - Belüftungsöffnungen im Schritt.
10X(2PCS Strap Lock Security Lock Endknopf Gitarrengurte Gurtschloesser fueO4M8)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
2PCS x Gitarrengurt Security Lock. Die Befestigungsmutter vom straplock loslassen, schrauben an der Gitarre den Stift. Material: Kupfer mit schwarzer Beschichtung. 10X(Rutschfestes, Rundkopfband Schlo...
Maximum Security Ward and Other Poems (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Extended poetic work captures the intensity, nuances, and agony of human suffering
Building Security in Europe: Confidence-Building Measures and the Csce (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Building Security in Europe: Confidence-Building Measures and the Csce
Fichte The ceaseless Quest for Security (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Fichte The ceaseless Quest for Security
Josef Pieprzyk - Information Security and Privacy  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Edited by : Josef Pieprzyk. Produkt Typ: Taschenbuch. The papers of Part I (LNCS 10342) are organized in topical sections on public key encryption; attribute-based encryption; identity-based encryptio...
1pc New NEMICON internal security control OVW2-10-2MHT rotary encoder (南岗区) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wenn es nicht gut funktioniert oder. You may also like.
The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Since hisrelease from federal prison, in 1998, Mitnick has turned his lifearound and established himself as one of the most sought-aftercomputer security experts worldwide.
SAP Security and Authorizations: Risk Management and Compliance with Legal Re... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This book uses examples to describe the potential risks as well as specific application and system security concepts for individual SAP components and solutions. Application security for SAP NetWeaver...
Practical Aviation Security: Predicting and Preventing Future Threats (Butter... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Applies real-world aviation experience to the task of anticipating and deflecting threats.
Asian Security Order: Instrumental and Normative Features (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
More than a decade has passed since the end of the Cold, but Asia still faces serious security challenges. Unlike many areas-studies approaches, Alagappa�??. s work makes a strong case for taking re...
Managing Risk and Information Security von Malcolm W. Harkins (2016,...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

National Security Clearances: How to Get a Clearance and How to Keep It (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
National Security Clearances: How to Get a Security Clearance and How To Keep It distills years of hard earned wisdom and experience into twelve chapters that applicants and attorneys at any level can...
Hertenberger, Manfred - ERPSEC - A Reference Framework For ERP Security - ERP...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Such individuals hold the responsibility for processes and profitability within an organization. Thus, they are best suited to decide who has access to their data and how their data may be used. Autor...
Understanding China and India: Security Implications for the United States an... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Key to developing national security strategy is figuring out what other countries want. What are their national interests? How do they perceive them? How do they project them onto the world stage? Und...
Marcus Matthias Keupp - The Security of Critical Infrastructures  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This book is the result of a five-year research project he created and led. Edited by : Marcus Matthias Keupp. The Security of Critical Infrastructures: Introduction and Overview. - Part I: Risk. - Pa...
Sicherungskasten Steuergerät Opel Vectra C 13170899 74DWAQ 460023260 (Augsburg) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Nur auf das Spenderfahrzeug. GENAUERES AUF DEN BILDERN! Deshalb bezeichnet man diese als GEBRAUCHT. Gebrauchte Gegenstände kosten in der Regel einen Bruchteil gegenüber den Neuteilen. HINWEIS ZU GEB...
AT4152-033【SW KEY TUBULAR HIGH SECURITY #33】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wir werden Ihnen umgehend antworten. Die Rücksendegebühr wird nicht erstattet. Wenn Sie es nicht zurückgeben möchten, können Sie eine teilweise Rückerstattung beantragen.
STM1403ATOQ6F【IC SECURITY SUPERVISOR 16-QFN】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wir werden Ihnen umgehend antworten. Die Rücksendegebühr wird nicht erstattet. If it can't work well or. Wenn Sie es nicht zurückgeben möchten, können Sie eine teilweise Rückerstattung beantrage...
Wasserhahn Security - 93786201  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Sicherheitsventil - 93786201 Sicherheitshahn der Marke Candy - 93786201 Kategorie:  Haus, Garten, Heimwerken.
3X(Surveillance Security Klare aufgewickelte akustische Luft Tube Hoerer PTQ1V8)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
3X(Kompatibel mit: Fuer iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, Fahrwerk, Motorola, Sony, HUAWEI. Lautstaerkeregler: Ja. Widerstand: 9 Ohm. Unterstuetzungsspeicherkarte: Nein. Stil: In-Ohr. CTIA Ja: iPhone ...
Drahtlose Wifi Sicherheit im Freien IP Kamera 1080P Home Security 120 Grad Z1X1  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wischen Sie nach links und rechts, um den Bildschirm anzuzeigen, und schieben Sie den B. Unterstützt die überwachungssoftware für Handys, Tablets und Computerinstallationen. Plug-and-Play, so einfa...
Railway Infrastructure Security (2016, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Cyber Security Essentials (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Although the text is accessible to those new to cyber security, its comprehensive nature makes it ideal for experts who need to explain how computer security works to non-technical staff. This book is...
The Security Dilemma: Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This major new contribution to the study of internatioal politics provides the first comprehensive analysis of the concept of the security dilemma, the phrase used to describe the mistrust and fear wh...
Model Security Policies, Plans and Procedures (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
If your job requires you to develop or update security policies, plans, or procedures, this book will be a highly valuable resource. The samples cover the key concepts of organizational protection. Pu...
CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) CAS-003 Cert Guide (2nd Edition... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Learn, prepare, and practice for CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) CAS-003 exam success with this CompTIA Approved Cert Guide from Pearson IT Certification, a leader in IT Certification le...
National Security Law (Aspen Casebook) (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
The Fifth edition features the most recent and important cases as well as excerpts from significant reports and other materials. Among the features that have made this text the preeminent casebook in ...
Windows Server 2003 Security Infrastructures: Core Security Features (HP Tech... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Provides practical insights into how to deploy and administer secure Windows Server 2003 infrastructures.
"Proceedings of the International Conference on IT Convergence and Security 201 (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
"Gotteslob. Katholisches Gebet- und Gesangbuch. Ausgabe für die Diözese RegensbEUR 44,29. "Orange Line 3. Workbook mit Audio-CD"EUR 4,99. Wolfgang Hohlbein "Die Chronik der Unsterblichen 12. Der sch...
iKydz Internet Control - Internet Security for Children Brand New Sealed In Box (BIRMINGHAM) - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Harald Löberbauer - The elusive quest for security continues - The Europ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
By (author) : Harald Löberbauer. General definitions and theory allows us to understand the major parts of this thesis (part III and IV). The historio-political analysis in this part shows the evolut...
Social Security, Medicare and Government Pensions: Get the Most Out of Your R... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Find out what you�??. s best for you. Discover when and how to claim the benefits you have earned.
An Information Security Handbook (Computer Communications and Networks) (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This book is geared at postgraduate courses on managing and designing information systems. It concentrates primarily on security in military systems and looks at the different goals organisations migh...
2Pcs Upgraded Security Defender Home TüRverstäRkungsschloss Standhalten 800 W8Z8  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Dieses Türverst?rkungsschloss verfügt über ein Gummistopp-Design, um zu verhindern, dass Kinder die Tür für unbekannte Personen ?ffnen. Beenden Sie die Installation des Türschlosses in wenig...
STM1404CTMJQ6F【IC SECURITY SUPERVISOR 3V 16-QFN】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
We don't work on weekends. If it can't work well or.
2Pcs Upgraded Security Defender Home TüRverstäRkungsschloss Standhalten 800 X7J7  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Dieses Türverst?rkungsschloss verfügt über ein Gummistopp-Design, um zu verhindern, dass Kinder die Tür für unbekannte Personen ?ffnen. Beenden Sie die Installation des Türschlosses in wenig...
Social Security and Pension System in China von Francis Mulenga Muma...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE WK 2007. All vehicles we dismantle at UKCHRYSLER SPARES go through full electronic diagnostics. However all marks considered bigger than normal wear will be listed. All parts are I...
Tamir Sinai - The common European security and defence capability  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
By (author) : Tamir Sinai. Never before had such well-established, diverse and fiercely competitive nations undertaken to curtail their own sovereignty in favour of a combined future. Genre: Vergleich...
Disalvatore Anthony V-Hospitality Security (US IMPORT) HBOOK NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: HBOOK. Kondition: Neu.
Estrada-Tanck Dorothy-Human Security And Human Rights Under Internatio BOOKH NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: BOOKH. Kondition: Neu.
Risks, Controls, and Security,: Concepts and Applications by Fichadia 0471485799  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Herausgeber:John Wiley & Sons Inc. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem gehörte und gelese...
Mely Caballero-Anthony-An Introduction to Non-Traditional Security Stu BOOKH NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: BOOKH. Strichcode: 9781446286074. Informationen vergessen?.
Security Policies and Implementation Issues (Information Systems Security & A... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
The study of information system security concepts and domains is an essential part of the education of computer science students and professionals alike.
Mbukwa, Justine - Rural Households Food Security Status in Tanzania: Empirica...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Mbukwa, Justine. Seitenanzahl: 100. The findings indicated that 61% of the rural households were not food secure whereas 39.0% were food secure in the study area. The rural households in the s...
Getachew, Muluken - Institutionalizing Human Security in the African Union Sy...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Getachew, Muluken. Though, the insecurities in the continent are affecting individual citizens and the communities at large, the security policy of most states are centered on the concept of s...
Alaboodi, Saad Saleh - The Information Security Maturity Model (ISMM) - A Com...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Learning how to model security problem and evaluate operational information security and its financial implications can be a challenging task. Autor : Alaboodi, Saad Saleh. Verlag: VDM Verlag Dr. Mül...
Formal Aspects in Security and Trust - 5th International Workshop, FAST 2008 ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Seitenanzahl: 331. FAST 2008 was held under the auspices of the IFIP WG 1.7 on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design. These interactions incre- ingly span several enterprises and involve loosely...
GIACCA CUOCO CHEF JACKET tricolore COOK JACKE EGOCHEF SECURITY ITALY italia MADE (Scicli) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
GIACCA EGOCHEF SECURITY ITALY. JACKET EGOCHEF model SECURITY ITALY cotton 100% 190gr. Información de envío. Nuestra ropa es muy resistente y cómodo de llevar. hecha por costureras expertas italiana...
Cloud Computing Security: Foundations and Challenges by 1482260948  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Cloud Computing Security: Foundations and Challenges. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem ...
A Practical Guide to Security Assessments (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics

The Future of Outer Space Security von Sabrina Wirz (Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Security Policies and Procedures: Principles and Prac by Greene, Sari 0131866915  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Greene, Sari. Security Policies and Procedures: Principles and Practices (Prentice Hall Security). Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Tatsache bleibt jedo...
Myths of the Oil Boom: American National Security by Yetiv, Steven A 0190212691  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Yetiv, Steven A. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwendung sowie die Verbreitung der Liebe zum Buch durch erneutes Lesen und...
Women's Participation in Ensuring Food Security at household level von Goshu...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

The United Nations and Global Security (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Do these changes undercut or enhance the role of the United Nations?. Their lively presentations of the drama of UN debates establish the contributions and shortcomings of global multilateralism in an...
Bolzen Konisch, Set 4 Pz - Ultra High Security - A010 Mcgard Ford Ka (09>)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
KONISCHE SCHRAUBEN, 4 STÜCK KIT - ULTRA HOHE SICHERHEIT - A010 MCGARD FORD KA (09>) Oberer Bereich. Neben der bekannten Sicherheit des Standard-Diebstahlschutzriegels zeichnet sich die HIGH-SECURITY-...
Würfel Konisch, Set 4 Pz - Ultra High Security - F150 Mcgard Opel Ampera, Antara  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Oberer Bereich. Neben der bekannten Sicherheit des Standard-Diebstahlschutzriegels zeichnet sich die HIGH-SECURITY-Linie durch eine rotierende Panzerung aus, die die Sicherheit erhöht. Diese Version ...
Shetty, Pravin - Security Policy Formalisms - For Pervasive Computing Environ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Shetty, Pravin. The book focuses against the current static approach taken to arrive at a solution on these security issues. In a pervasive scenario the interaction levels and the resources av...
Abrar, Nasir - Security systems for agricultural farms  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Abrar, Nasir. Genre: Elektro- & Kommunikationstechnik. Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 72.
Kaspersky Internet Security | 3 Geräte | 2 Jahre | FFP | Englische Verpackung...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Egal, was Sie in Ihrem digitalen Leben tun: der Premium-Schutz sorgt für Ihre Sicherheit. Ebenso ist ein evtl. auf Wunsch als.
Amare, Haileselassie - Food Security and Capacity Building for Sustainable Li...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Amare, Haileselassie. Genre: Lexika & Nachschlagewerke. Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 56.
Seeking Security in an Insecure World (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Our understanding of security has changed significantly since the end of the Cold. No longer is the only security threat that states face. Nor is what it once was. It pits states against ethnic rebell...
Anti-Terrorism, Citizenship and Security von Michael Lister und Lee Jarvis...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Perimeter Security (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Perimeter Security has taken on a new level of importance since 9/11. Whether insuring the safety of government buildings, hospitals, residences, or bio-research labs, the safety of workers and materi...
China's Security State: Philosophy, Evolution, and Pol by Guo, Xuezhi 1107023238  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Guo, Xuezhi. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwendung sowie die Verbreitung der Liebe zum Buch durch erneutes Lesen und Ver...
George W. Bush and Security of the United States von Fakhreddin Soltani...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs (Jones & Bartlett Learning Information ... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
PART OF THE NEW JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY & ASSURANCE SERIES! Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs provides a unique, in-depth look at the major business challenges and t...
Practical Security in Commerce and Industry by Slater, Ted 056602716X  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Herausgeber:Taylor & Francis Ltd. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufe...
Prioritizing Security Sector Reform: A New U.S. Approach by 1601273134  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Prioritizing Security Sector Reform: A New U.S. Approach. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem gehörte und gelesen wurde. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweit...
Community Irrigation: Food Security Enhancing Poverty Reduction von Leonard...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Dooho Choi - Information Security Applications  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Edited by : Dooho Choi. Produkt Typ: Taschenbuch. The papers are organized in topical sections such as network security, threat analysis, application security, cryptographic. Network security. - Threa...
In Search of Security: Third World in Internation by Thomas, Caroline 074500394X  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Herausgeber:Pearson Education Limited. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fort...
Malet, David - Biotechnology and International Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Malet, David. Biotechnology and International Security contextualizes the militarization of biotechnology by examining its strategic uses, the nature of bioweapons, and the overall impact on w...
Handberg, Roger - Ballistic Missile Defense and the Future of American Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Handberg, Roger. Seitenanzahl: 266.
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