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Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Security-Aware Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Router Security Strategies: Securing IP Network Traff by Smith, David 1587053365  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem gehörte und gelesen wurde. Autor:Smith, David. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Indem ...
Security Headset mit PTT Mikrofon für Cobra PR590, PR650, PR3000, PR3100 (Bischofswerda) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Spiral-Schallschlauch und Ohroliven: transparent. Länge Spiral-Schallschlauch: 28 - 48cm. Damit unauffällig kommuniziert werden kann, ist der Schallschlauch transparent gestaltet. Ohrolive, Schallsc...
Strickmütze "Security" mit wählbarer Mützenfarbe Mütze Beanie #WS-MB7551-03 (Klosterlechfeld) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Doppelt gestrickt. Fertiggewicht: 70g. Das Motiv ist auf folgenden Mützenfarben verfügbar und frei wählbar. Die auf der Farbtabelle (siehe Produktfotos) aufgeführten Farben sind als Stickfarbe fü...

SOUNDSATION SSL-CR Strap Security Lock Cromo - PERMUTIAMO IL TUO USATO (Rende) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
PERMUTIAMO IL TUO USATO ANCHE A DISTANZA! Sistema Strap Lock (Cromo). Finitura: Cromo.
Taktisch Hüfte Gürtel Kampf Militär Security Outdoor Armee Nylon Schwer Freizeit  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Viel Spaß beim Einkaufen. Vielen Dank! Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Am 13.06.19 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt Am 16.06.19 hat der Verkäufer d...
Socio-economic and cultural factors influencing food security von Wilfred...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Danny Pieters, Bernhard Zaglmayer "Social Security Cases in Europe: National Cou (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
"Endspurt Vorklinik: Physik"EUR 8,69. Ihre Vorteile. Große Auswahl. Sehr guter Service. "Gotteslob. Katholisches Gebet- und Gesangbuch. Ausgabe für die Diözese RegensbEUR 9,09. Viele Markenprodukte...
Shopping and Crime (Crime Prevention and Security by Bamfield, Joshua 0230521606  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Bamfield, Joshua. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem gehörte und gelesen wurde. In...
Olmedilla, Daniel - Policy Representation and Reasoning - for Security and Tr...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Verlag: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. Seitenanzahl: 220. Sprache: Englisch.
Department of Health and Social Security, Dhss Handbook of Research and Developm  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Publish Date: 1988. Binding: Paperback. Spine faded.
Damtie, Robell - The Role of Women Household Heads on Food Security - The rol...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Damtie, Robell. Male and female seem to have an equal participation in farm production activities: planting, weeding, threshing, transporting and storing. Auflage: Aufl. Verlag: LAP Lambert Ac...
Secrets And Lies Digital Security IN Auf Networked World Bruce Schneier 2000  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
WILLKOMMEN IN UNSEREM GESCHÄFT.   Wir sind Experten für Numismatik, Philatelie, Antiquitäten und Vintage- oder Sammlungsobjekte.    Verkaufsbedingungen   Zahlen Der Käufer hat 4 Tage Zeit, um ...
Dylan Huw-The Cia And The Pursuit Of Security (History Documents And BOOKH NEU  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Format: BOOKH. Kondition: Neu.
A9 Kamera WIFI Remote Kamera Weitwinkel Home Security Nachtsichtkamera 720P X3K7  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Ultrahochauflösende und nicht helle Nachtsicht in einer nicht hellen Umgebung schaltet die Maschine automatisch um. 90 ° Super-Weitwinkel-Sichtfeld, größerer Sichtfeld-Schießstand, erfüllen Ihre...
International Relations, International Security, and Comparative Politics: A ... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Understanding world politics has never been easy, but the more closely we approach the ideal of the global village, the more complex its socioeconomic and legal entanglements become. From the rise of ...
1pc used jokab security point 10t (南岗区) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
If it can't work well or. We don't work on weekends.
10X(Surveillance Security Klare aufgewickelte akustische Luft Tube Hoerer P 7E2)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
10X(Kompatibel mit: Fuer iPhone, Samsung, HTC, Blackberry, Fahrwerk, Motorola, Sony, HUAWEI. Lautstaerkeregler: Ja. Widerstand: 9 Ohm. Unterstuetzungsspeicherkarte: Nein. Stil: In-Ohr. CTIA Ja: iPhone...
1X(2PCS Strap Lock Security Lock Endknopf Gitarrengurte Gurtschloesser fuer l1y  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
2PCS x Gitarrengurt Security Lock. Die Befestigungsmutter vom straplock loslassen, schrauben an der Gitarre den Stift. Material: Kupfer mit schwarzer Beschichtung. Legen Sie die straplock in die Befes...
Norton Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Auf Wunsch als. Qualität und Gebühren.
Rooseveltcare: How Social Security is Sabotaging the Land of Self-Reliance (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Today we are at a crossroads. America�??s entitlement state is threatening to bankrupt us, and new schemes such as ObamaCare are hastening the collapse. What should we do? In this provocative look a...
Climate Change: Implications for Europe's Security and Defence Policy von...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Fedotova, Natalya - Peer-to-Peer for Collaborative Environments - Security, R...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Fedotova, Natalya. P2P enables sharing of different types of resources and services. Verlag: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. Seitenanzahl: 152. Sprache: Englisch.
Safety and Security for Women Who Travel (Travelers Tales Guides) (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Personal safety is a prime concern for women on the road, and this collection of tips and wisdom gives women the tools they need to be secure, confident travelers. The authors help lay fears to rest a...
National, International, and Human Security: A Comparative Introduction (New ... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Although security as a concept can be widened to encompass almost any aspect of existence, Neack focuses especially on security from physical violence. Case studies throughout bring life to the concep...
1080P Dual Lens Security WIFI PTZ IP-Kamera Drahtlose AußEn-IR-Kamera mit 1 R7T4  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Bewegungserkennung: Eingebaute 6 weiie Lichter und 10 Infrarotlichter erkennen nach dem Einschalten des Smart-Modus das sich bewegende Objekt und schalten das weiie Licht automatisch ein. Anwendbar au...
Kunwar, Neelma - Economic Security of Hill Women of Uttarakhand State (India)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Kunwar, Neelma. The present study was conducted in Tehri district of Grahwal region of Uttarakhand. 36000 to Rs. Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 116. Sprache: Englisch.
Jan Camenisch - Cryptology and Network Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, CANS 2018, held in Naples, Italy, in September/October 2018. The 26 full papers ...
Shirlita Espinosa - Globalization, Violence and Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Edited by : Shirlita Espinosa. This collection is a great contribution to the field of violence and security studies. This book is a great contribution to the field of violence and security studies.
Tawodzera, Godfrey - Urban Food Security in Zimbabwe - Vulnerability and Resi...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Tawodzera, Godfrey. Seitenanzahl: 372. While most contemporary writings on food security have mainly focused on the rural sector, this book locates itself within the nascent urban livelihoods ...
MFH Rollmütze Polyacryl schwarz silber bestickt Security (Freystadt) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Fein gestrickte Rollmütze. material & pflegehinweise. 100 % Polyacryl. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis. 10.00 - 12.00 und 13.00 - 15.00 Uhr zu Verfügung. "Security" Stick auf Umschlag. Unser Suppo...
Security Seat Screws  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
• Secures the seat to the bike with a M8 x 1,25 Torx security screw.
Driver Gloves Cowhide Winter Warm Cashmere Windproof Security Protection Wear  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Windproof Gloves: Security Protection Gloves. Work Gloves: Cowhide Gloves. Model Number: Cowhide. Warm Gloves: Winter Gloves. Classification: Working Gloves.
Information Security Fundamentals (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
It explains policy format, focusing on global, topic-specific, and application-specific policies.
Thomas Groß - Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Herausgegeben von: Springer International Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 231. The total of 9 full papers together with 1 short paper was carefully reviewed and selected from 28 submissions. - System Securi...
Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
The information in both sections will help security practitioners and mangers develop a viable synergy that will allow security to take its place as a valued partner and contributor to the success and...
Webroot BrightCloud Security Services Sicherheits Dienstleistung NEU OVP (Poing) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Sicherheits-Dienstleistung gegen Cyber Threats. Neu: Webroot BrightCloud Security Services. Weitere Hinweise. Unser Sales-Service24 Team hilft Ihnen auch nach dem Kauf weiter.
Ahmed, Monday - Effect of Income Inequality on the food security - of rural a...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Inequality affects individuals purchasing power and consequently, well-being. Auflage: Aufl. Verlag: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Seitenanzahl: 76. Sprache: Englisch.
Theory of Cryptography Sahai, Amit Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security .. (Greven) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-01-29. This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 10th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2013, held in Tokyo, Japan, in March 2013. Schneller, freund...
Assora, Mohammed - Enhancing the Security of Web Commerce Transactions - Web ...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Seitenanzahl: 172. Sprache: Englisch.
Illicit Markets, Organized Crime, and Global Security Hanna Samir Kassab Jonat.. (Greven) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Examines both historical attempts at laws of prohibition and current attempts in the twenty-first century, particularly i. Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 148 mm. Hoehe: 16 mm.
Drahtlose Wifi Sicherheit im Freien IP Kamera 1080P Home Security 120 Grad G3J5  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wischen Sie nach links und rechts, um den Bildschirm anzuzeigen, und schieben Sie den B. Unterstützt die überwachungssoftware für Handys, Tablets und Computerinstallationen. Plug-and-Play, so einfa...
AT4153-017【SW KEY HIGH SECURITY SW KEY #17】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wir werden Ihnen umgehend antworten. Die Rücksendegebühr wird nicht erstattet. Wenn Sie es nicht zurückgeben möchten, können Sie eine teilweise Rückerstattung beantragen.
AT4152-019【SW KEY TUBULAR HIGH SECURITY #19】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wir werden Ihnen umgehend antworten. Die Rücksendegebühr wird nicht erstattet. Wenn Sie es nicht zurückgeben möchten, können Sie eine teilweise Rückerstattung beantragen.
AT4152-013【SW KEY TUBULAR HIGH SECURITY #13】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wir werden Ihnen umgehend antworten. Die Rücksendegebühr wird nicht erstattet. Wenn Sie es nicht zurückgeben möchten, können Sie eine teilweise Rückerstattung beantragen.
Taktisch Hüfte Gürtel Kampf Militär Security Outdoor Leinen Schwer Armeegrün  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Viel Spaß beim Einkaufen. Vielen Dank! Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Am 13.06.19 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt Am 16.06.19 hat der Verkäufer d...
Farooq, Sadaf - Pakistan's Internal security issues and the role of mili...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Sadaf Farooq deserves credit for her willingness to explore Pakistan s dauntingly complicated political history. This book is a critical contribution to that discussion. C. Dale Walton Associate Profe...
Extending the European Security Community von Assoc. Emilian Kavalski (2008,...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

The Looting of Social Security:New Release of the Book They Didnt Want You to... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
From the Publisher Every cent generated by the 1983 Social Security tax increase-money ostensibly earmarked for the retirement of the baby-boom generation-is gone, spent by our government. But most Am...
Information Security Illuminated (Jones and Barlett Illuminated) (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Readers are then able to apply their knowledge through hands-on experience with computer security-related tools. In addition to providing the requisite material for a complete course in information se...
Mollaw, Wondwosen Nigatie - Gendered land use and household food security - A...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor : Mollaw, Wondwosen Nigatie. Those who have the small plots can t fully utilize their lands due to socio-cultural constraints and lack of critical farm inputs like capital and oxen. Auflage: Auf...
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, David Naccache Towards Hardware-Intrinsic Security (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Sehr guter Service. Emily Thorne Faith and FateEUR 22,99. Stewart, Briana Fight Your DemonsEUR 8,29. "Spectrum Sight Words, Grade 1"EUR 6,99. Chieh-Chen Bowen "Straightforward Statistics"EUR 57,29. Da...
Security and International Relations (Themes in International Relations) (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Helping students identify and discuss main issues in international security today, this book evaluates the contending schools of thought and their key assumptions. It explains why states use-- or chos...
Teshome Firew, Akalu - TENURE SECURITY AND SOIL CONSERVATION INVESTEMENT DECI...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
However, the reverse relation is insignificant. The analysis of tenure insecurity reveals that expectation of redistribution and farm size has a negative influence on tenure security, whereas educatio...
New Ambitions for Our Country: New Contrac by Social Security Dept.of 0101380526  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwendung sowie die Verbreitung der Liebe zum Buch durch erneutes Lesen und Verwenden. New Ambitio...
Computer Security Assurance (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Written in a friendly and easy-to-understand tone, Computer Security Assurance Using the Common Criteria helps readers navigate through all the activities within the Common Criteria (CC) that have gai...
Computer Security Basics (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
The new edition builds on the well-established principles developed in the original edition and thoroughly updates that core knowledge. This is the must-have book for a must-know field. Computer secur...
Introduction to Security (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
This complete revision of the classic textbook has been reorganized to reflect the industry changes since the 911 World Trade Center attacks. It includes new coverage throughout of terrorism as it rel...
Safety and Security in Tourism: Recovery Marketing after Crises (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
A crisis may arise from several types of destructive occurrences, from natural physical destruction of important infrastructure to acts of terrorism. This book is essential reading for tourism researc...
A9 1080P HD Mini Wireless WIFI IP Camera DVR Night Vision Home Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Feature: Night Vision.
1pc hand safety monitor security mon ossd 2r sc4 AC 002s (南岗区) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wenn es nicht gut funktioniert oder.
Environmental Security Assessment and Management of Obsolete Pesticides in Sou.. (Greven) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-05-16. Schneller, freundlicher & kompetenter Service. Breite: 155 mm. Inhalt: Einband - fest (Hardcover). Sprache: Englisch.
Avengers X-MEN: Maximum Security (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
And on the forefront of the villainous attack?. Ronan the Accuser and Ego the Living Planet!
Taktisch Hüfte Gürtel Kampf Militär Security Outdoor Leinen Schwer Armeegrün  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Viel Spaß beim Einkaufen. Vielen Dank! Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Am 13.06.19 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt Am 16.06.19 hat der Verkäufer d...
2Pcs Upgraded Security Defender Home TüRverstäRkungsschloss Standhalten 800 V8O8  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Beenden Sie die Installation des Türschlosses in weniger als 5 Minuten. Entwickelt, um 800 Pfund Kraft zu widerstehen, 12-mal sttrker als ein normaler Riegel, um nicht eingetreten zu werden. Zum ffne...
A9 Kamera WIFI Remote Kamera Weitwinkel Home Security Nachtsichtkamera A6P1  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Continuous recording:More than 1 hour. Recording range:5㎡. 1 USB Data Cable. Video format:ASF. 1 Snaketube Data Cable. 1 Rotating Base. Built-in powerful magnet can absorb iron materials, very easy ...
Doberman Security Sicherheitsalarm für Infrarottechnologie, Weiß (SE-0104) X8M9  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
WIDE COVERAGE-Sensoren decken einen breiten Alarm ab: 15 Fuu vom Gerrt entfernt, 60 Grad vertikal und horizontal. Farbe: Schwarz + weii. INFRAROTTECHNIK - Verwendet Infrarotsensoren, um Bewegungen zu ...
2PCS Strap Lock Security Lock Endknopf Gitarrengurte Gurtschloesser fuer Gi A8U2  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
2PCS x Gitarrengurt Security Lock. Die Befestigungsmutter vom straplock loslassen, schrauben an der Gitarre den Stift. Material: Kupfer mit schwarzer Beschichtung. Legen Sie die straplock in die Befes...
MFH Rollmütze Polyacryl schwarz silber bestickt Security (Freystadt) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Fein gestrickte Rollmütze. material & pflegehinweise. 100 % Polyacryl. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis. 10.00 - 12.00 und 13.00 - 15.00 Uhr zu Verfügung. "Security" Stick auf Umschlag. Unser Suppo...
5X(Home Security Drahtlose Fernbedienung Vibration Motorrad Fahrrad TüR TüRN8H8)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
(Fernbedienungsentfernung: ca. 30 m ohne Barriere. 1 Fernbedienung). Kann mit beidseitigem Klebstoff einfach an Fenstern oder Türen montiert werden. Kein Werkzeug erforderlich. Klingelfunktion, die P...
DOBERMAN SECURITY 100DB Wireless Electronic Vibration Detector Gehäusetür Fe n1i  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Marke: DOBERMAN SECURITY. Das Produkt schützt Sie mit einem extrem starken und zuverl?ssigen Vibrationssensor 100 dB Alarm. Spezieller Vibrationssensor, Vibrationsaktivierungstechnologie mit opmita...
Chinas Security: The New Roles of the Military (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Brushes aside the specter of China as a threat, recently revived from the mid-1960s and 1970s, to analyze what the countrys rise has meant so far and is likely to mean for her military forces. Conside...
Uno ade? The System of "Collective Security" in the Context of the...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Regional Integration for Food Security in Southern Africa von Siphamandla...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Climate Change and Migration: Security and Borders in a Warming World (Vénissieux) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Date de publication : 2011-10-12.
Danny Pieters "Social Security Systems of the States Applying for Membership of (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
David Sadava, David M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller, Sally D. Hacker "Purves BiologieEUR 78,79. "Das Übungsheft 4. Neubearbeitung"EUR 4,59. "Gotteslob. Katholisches Gebet- und Gesangbuch. Ausgabe für die...
Jessica Barker - Confident Cyber Security  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
By (author) : Jessica Barker. Understand the basic principles of cyber security and futureproof your career with this easy-to-understand, jargon-busting beginner's guide to the human, technical, and p...
Maximum Security Ward and Other Poems (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Extended poetic work captures the intensity, nuances, and agony of human suffering
The Department of Homeboy Security - Presidential Remixes  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Used Wieland 1pc security module snt 4m63k (南岗区) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
We don't work on weekends. If it can't work well or.
Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
The information in both sections will help security practitioners and mangers develop a viable synergy that will allow security to take its place as a valued partner and contributor to the success and...
"Environmental Problems of Central Asia and their Economic, Social and Security (Trebbin) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Peter Wachendorf, Jan Debbrecht "Lies mal 1 (mit Silbengliederung) - Das Heft miEUR 5,59. "Morgen, Findus, wird"s was geben"EUR 16,99. Jamie Oliver "Super Food Family Classics"EUR 10,39. Sehr guter Se...
Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Systems (2019,...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

WiFi Smart Security Türklingel HD 1080P Drahtlose visuelle V2Y9  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Er kann mit dem Besucher kommunizieren. Es ist sehr kostengünstig! Um dieses Produkt zu erwerben, wird empfohlen, einen zusätzlichen WLAN-Signalverstärker zu erwerben, um die Stabilität der Türkl...
Security, Citizenship and Human Rights von D. McGhee (2010, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Security Sector Reform in Southeast Asia (2014, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

AT4152-022【SW KEY TUBULAR HIGH SECURITY #22】  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Wir werden Ihnen umgehend antworten. Die Rücksendegebühr wird nicht erstattet. Wenn Sie es nicht zurückgeben möchten, können Sie eine teilweise Rückerstattung beantragen.
Information Security Management Handbook, 6th Edition (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics

1080P Dual Lens Security WIFI PTZ IP-Kamera Drahtlose AußEn-IR-Kamera mit 1 K3C3  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Bewegungserkennung: Eingebaute 6 weiie Lichter und 10 Infrarotlichter erkennen nach dem Einschalten des Smart-Modus das sich bewegende Objekt und schalten das weiie Licht automatisch ein. Anwendbar au...
Surviving Security: How to Integrate People, Proce by Andress, Amanda 0849320429  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Andress, Amanda. Indem Sie ein gut erhaltenes Buch aus zweiter Hand kaufen, unterstützen Sie eine fortlaufende Wiederverwendung sowie die Verbreitung der Liebe zum Buch durch erneutes Lesen und...
High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety by Craighead, Geoff 0750674555  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Autor:Craighead, Geoff. Der tatsächliche Buchumschlag, Einband und die Ausgabe können abweichen. Tatsache bleibt jedoch, dass ein Buch vor Ihnen bereits jemand anderem gehörte und gelesen wurde. Hi...
Deerskin Men's Work Gloves Leather Security Safety Protection Workers Gloves  - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Materials: Deerskin. Hope: Leather on The Second Floor.
Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Systems (2020,...  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Provable Security (2019, Taschenbuch)  - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Database Security and Auditing: Protecting Data Integrity and Accessibility (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Designed for easy learning, this text is broken into three sections: Security, Auditing and Implementation. Students will fully understand how to implement database security on modern business databas...
Social Security Disability and the Legal Professional (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
For new lawyers and paralegals who support a lawyer who appears before administrative law judges with the Social Security Administration, this is a comprehensive and easy-to-read procedure manual that...
Seeking Security in an Insecure World (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics
Our understanding of security has changed significantly since the end of the Cold. No longer is the only security threat that states face. Nor is what it once was. It pits states against ethnic rebell...
Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems (The M... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics

Rescuing Retirement: A Plan to Guarantee Retirement Security for All American... (Richmond) - Buy and Sell / Electronics

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