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Bangalore Donate

27 December
Spendenangebot Ich bin ein müder Mensch. ICH HABE MEHR ALS 300.000 EURO ZU BIETEN, BEVOR ICH STERBE. Ich habe Krebs
20 June
Akshaya Patra, Uttar Pradesh feeds meals to children & homeless mothers
(Vrindava, Varanasi, Barsana) In Uttar Pradesh, Akshaya Patra operates 7 kitchens that nourish homeless mothers and government school children with wholesome meals.
The mid-day meal NGO in Rajasthan feeds school children daily
(Bangalore) The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO feeding 2.2 million children every day from 72 locations. It has 9 centralised and 1 decentalised kitchens in Assam.
The mid-day meal NGO in odisha feeds school children daily
(Bangalore) Akshaya Patra has 4 kitchens in Odisha – Puri, Nayagarh, Rourkela and Bhubaneshwar. The NGO serves meals to government school children in the state every day.
Akshaya Patra, Odisha serves nutritious lunch to children
(Bangalore) Akshaya Patra has 4 kitchens in Odisha – Puri, Nayagarh, Rourkela and Bhubaneshwar. The NGO serves meals to government school children in the state every day.
28 May
Back To School By The Numbers | Support Akshaya Patra Children
(Bangalore) Many a times you may have booked movie tickets for you and your loved ones, this time book benches in classroom to ensure more children can come back to school.
10 April
Teaching Kids with Learning Disabilities: Tamahar's Auxiliary Programs
(Bangalore) Tamahar is a non-profit, started in 2009 by Mrs Vaishali Pai, to work with children suffering from developmental delays due to brain damage (like Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, Rare diseases, ...