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17 February |
BTM BRM HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training DELHI
purposeFast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for deployment in offshore field as per IOGP and on RO-RO pass...
21 January |
HLA BTM BRM HLO Helicopter Landing Officer Training Mumbai
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm wa...
20 January |
frc fflb errm HLA HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training KOLKATA
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an...
DG Approved Basic frc frb brm ers ERRM STCW Modular Courses
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an...
Guwahati HERTL HDA FRB THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training DELHI INDIA
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an...
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DG Approved hla frb ers Basic STCW Modular Courses
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an...
12 January |
ERS frc fflb errm HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Kolkata INDIA
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.Courses 1. OIM...
ERS LICOS HERTL HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Asansol
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.Courses 1. OIM...
09 January |
Engine Room Simulator - Management Level ERS ERRM BTRM DELHI
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm wate...
29 December |
HERTL HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Asansol
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an...
28 December |
LICOS HERTL HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Asansol
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaHelicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight cre...
25 December |
frc fflb errm HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Asansol
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaHelicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight cre...
LICOS BTM BRM HERTL HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Mumbai
(Kolkata Center)
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm wate...
23 December |
LICOS HERTL HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Asansol
Ocean Offshore Marine India
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in ...
10 December |
frc fflb errm OLC HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training KOLKATA
Ocean Offshore Marine India
BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and Fir...
08 December |
frc fflb errm HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training GUNTUR
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaBOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First A...
frc fflb errm HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training kollam
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaBOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First A...
LICOS HERTL HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training DELHI INDIA
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaBOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First A...
03 December |
frc fflb errm HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training DELHI
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaThis course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an...
21 November |
LICOS HERTL HDA THUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training Kolkata
Ocean Offshore Marine IndiaOcean Offshore Marine IndiaPurposeFast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for depl...