Punyam.com offers FSC Certification Consultancy for organizations involved in forest product manufacturing, repackaging, pack-splitting, relabelling, cutting to size, or adding other forest-based components to products. The FSC is a global network of members, staff, certificate holders, promotional license holders, and responsible consumers working towards sustainable use, conservation, and restoration of forests with respect for all stakeholders. Punyam.com provides FSC Certification Consultancy for two types of FSC certifications: FSC Forest Management Certification for companies managing or owning forests, and FSC Chain of Custody Certification for companies processing or transforming FSC-certified products. The consultancy includes FSC awareness training, micro-level surveys, gap analysis, policy and objectives workshops, FSC documentation support, internal audit training, and post-certification FSC management system maintenance services.
Source link: https://www.punyam.com/services/fsc-certification-consultancy/