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Budapest pair .breader  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Budapest pair .breader  breader pair of budapest 4 sale
Quality Aseel Birds  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Quality Aseel Birds for sale call timings 8:00am to 4pm. Text Msg: 24hours.
High class aseel bird  - Pets & Animals / Birds
high class bird in very reasonable pricee
Orignal white laka pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
100% breeder pair guarantee
Quality Aseel Birds  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure variety Aseel Birds available for sale

Quality Aseel Birds  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure Aseel Birds for sale
Quality Aseel Birds  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure white Aseel Bird for sale
AseelMurghaSale  - Pets & Animals / Birds
adress chungi no 8 near sadqabad rawalpandi murghay ka colay lakha mushka hai
AseeMurghalForSale  - Pets & Animals / Birds
adress sadqabad near chungi no 8 rawalpandi thora camera ka result safe nii par kam chala loo
Fresh and Fertile Eggs of Golden Sebrite  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I have fresh and fertile eggs of Golden Sebrite and Silver laced Polish. Contact after 3 pm only
Java aseel patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
age 11 months weight 2.75kg
Fresh and fertile eggs of silver laced polish and dark barahma  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I have fresh and fertile eggs of different fancy hens call for detail after 4 pm only
White polish 100 %pure breed eggs available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
White polish 100 %pure breed eggs available 
Golden sebrite eggs  - Pets & Animals / Birds
golden sebrite fresh eggs available
Pairs of Damascenes from Imported bloodline  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pairs of Damascenes from Imported bloodline  They are squeekers for Rs 6000 each.
King chick pair white  - Pets & Animals / Birds
King chick pair white  very nice pair king chick white colour
Fancy laka ,sherazi, homing pigeon,shirazi ,fantail,,cheap rates  - Pets & Animals / Birds
all pigeons r 100 percent healthy and active,,,which no disease ,guarenteed,,all pics original 1 breeding laka pair,along with new chicks about 12,13 days,,2200 rupees PAMOOZ AND CHOTIDAR,,khoobs...
Ali wali and dab waly pegions for sall  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i want to sell ali wali anf dub wali breed due to excess . price if any buyers all 5000 /each selected are 10000/each , visit plot -4 ,street 4, i-10/3 industrial Area 10-Am to 6 pm ,mt contact...
Black amercan laka pigeon pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Black amercan laka pigeon pair black amercn ha bst quality ha
Red tail guaranted pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
egg laying pair ha no falt guaranted chez ha
Zard kach para sharazi  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Zard kach para sharazi  Good n healthy n breader pair
Laka pair available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
laka pair for sale orgnl pics attached only sms plz
Frill back,German tie, King Pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Finishing setup. Going abroad
Very nice king pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
no defect pair, very nice breeder pair
2 pair just in 3000 faintail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
one pair is breeder and other will start soon with in 15 days
Aseel Hen with Desi Chicks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Beautiful pure mianwali aseel hen for sale with her 14 cute chicks. DETAIL OF HEN: Yellow eyes, yellow beak and yellow legs. Age just 11 months. Healthy, active and vaccinated. Hatched 14 chick...
High Quality Shirazi  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Original Breed of Shirazi imported, Rare Breed One wing black & One wing White in Color. available for sale on Booking. Quality Birds and Guaranteed Breed.
Mooken{mukhi}fancy breeder pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Mooken{mukhi}fancy breeder pair  breeder pair with chicks fixed price
Mookee (mukhi) fancy pigeon  - Pets & Animals / Birds
breeder pair with chicks fixed price or exchange with cocktails
Bantom hens in cheap price  - Pets & Animals / Birds
healthy and active call or sms seroius byerx can cntct ony
Pure white khumray available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure white khumray for sale. price of each pair is 1000/-. fix price healthy and active. location: pwd , behria, korng town, police foundation and around.
Homer Pigeon chicks Pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA yeh pair bohot he beautiful ha aur yeh pair nasli ha is ka sath ka ap ko bazar se mushkil se mile ga aur is sa ziyada rate pr yeh chicks ka parents ke pictures hain reference ka lye de hain. 1...
Hoomers (Racer) Pegions  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Hoomers (Racer) Pigeons available for sale on booking. imported from Denmark/Switzerland. Tagged Birds. Guaranteed pure Bloodline (Great Britain).
Chadan chu Pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Original Breed of Chu Chandan imported from India, available for sale on Booking. Quality Birds and Guaranteed Breed.
King pigeon pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
no falt guarantee. egg dia hua han
Kala mushka for salle  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Kala mushka for salle best muishka for sale
Lakka kabotar home breed  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Lakka kabotar for sale home breed per pair price
Faintail chicks pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
male is black and female is gray demand 2500
Fancy pigeon bokara tumpeter  - Pets & Animals / Birds
two breeder male of bokhara trumpeter for sale
Aseel murgha ...  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel for sale, age around 1.5 years , for more details contact me, only serious buyers can contact ,
Satinette pigeon  - Pets & Animals / Birds
egg dia hua han full tyar pair ha guaranted no falt
Aseel Murgha and Murghi (Mianwali).  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure mianwali aseel hen with sindhi aseel murgha. Age is 2 years approximately. single pair. Successful breeding pair(gurantee as 13 chicks in 1st time successful breed). want to sale bcoz of nee...
3 king female white  - Pets & Animals / Birds
nice female kings near by i.9.4 islamabad
Assil Murgha ,For Sale.  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Assil Murgha ,For Sale. Mianwali Nasal , Assil Murgha
Laka pegon white male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Laka pegon white male  very nice pegon no defect
Fancy Pigeons jacobins  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i hav 4 breeder pairs of jacobins with chicks nd eggs, orgnal pics attached, intersted person cn cal regards Adnan
Blue splash male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Blue splash male age 8 months for sale or exchange with any female of blue splash polish, wyndoot or male of black heavy buff or frizzel. Please also visit Rehmani Birds at facebook
Blue splach polish  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Blue splach polish male age 8 months for sale or exchange with female of same breed or wyndott or male of black heavy buff. to see the verity Please visit Rehmani Birds at facebook.
Breeder Pairs ka Patha/Pathiyan available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA, I want to sale some high class Bacha have shown excellent Results/ Healthy and active Vaccinated RS- 1000 Per Piece for farther details interested People can contact me
Aseel Pure Mianwali  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel Patha Pathai from Mianwali Bread is available for serious and ahokeen persons
Sattint egg laying pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
egg dia hua han. guaranted pair
Black frill pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
egg laying pair ha.no falt guaranted
Aseel wite cheeni pathee  - Pets & Animals / Birds
wit brown cheeni young pathee.Amroe Nasal se
FANCY PIGEONS Bokhara Trumpeter  - Pets & Animals / Birds
two breeder male of bokhara trumpeter for sale
Black couchine bentum bredr pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
black couchine bentum breder pair for sale... pure blood line show class breed
White king female  - Pets & Animals / Birds
guaranted cheez ha no falt
Black female pigeon  - Pets & Animals / Birds
egg laying ha no falt guaranted
Aseel hen colour is grey  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i saie my pure aseel hen colour is grey three times lays eggs & chiks serius buyers can contect
English fain tails  - Pets & Animals / Birds
English fain tails  Healthy breadr pairs with eggs
Black egyptian swift pigeon pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Black egyptian swift pigeon pair  Interested people contact urgent sale
Silver indian mena pigeon Pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Silver indian mena pigeon Pair  Interested people please contact Urgent sale
High flying pigeons  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Healthy pigeons teddy bankay and many other
Aseel Lakha and Full Black Hens with one chick  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Hi Friends, i am selling (urgent basis) my top class Aseel Lakha Maadi para one year old, full black Mianwali and Raampuri Hens 05 with one chick, one black murgha, fully vaccinated, healthy and a...
Lakha pathha of Miyanwali for sale.. Orignal bread OF LAKHA Miyanwali (http://www.muamat.com/?view=selectcity&targetview=) - Pets & Animals / Birds
Lakha pathha of Miyanwali for sale.. Orignal bread OF LAKHA Miyanwali 
Kala mushka pure bread of Miyanwali for sale.  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Kala mushka pure bread of Miyanwali for sale.best **** for sale black breead
Pure bareed madi par of miyan wali .. Colour same like eagle  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Pure bareed madi par of miyan wali .. Colour same like eagle  aseel **** for sale .. colour same like eagle...
Aseel hen pure blood  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Very powerfull Madi Pure blood (LAKHI) very fast in fight white eyes,white nok last seasons it hatches 19/19 chicks Chicks is murgi kay hi hain aap result dekh saktay hain but chicks and **** ar...
Crusted Ducks Available  - Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA Crusted Duck Pair Available. Thanks
Black Silkie PAir  - Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA BLack Silkie Pair is available. interested ppl contact. Thankx
Motteld Cochin Bantam Female  - Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA Mottled Cochin Bantam Female Available. Thanks
Black Polish Female  - Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA Black Polsih Female Available. Thanks
Barred Cochin Bantam Male  - Pets & Animals / Birds
AOA Barred Cochin Bantam MAle available. Thanks
HEN (MURGA) mianwali nasal  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Mera ye murga bohat hi alaa nasal ka he. Ye murga mianwali nasal ka ek behtreen murga he. Es murge ne 3 baziya jeeti hue he das das hazar ki. mere ko pesu ki bohat zarurat he es liye me es sell ka...
Black colour aseel pair  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel pair for sale, healthy and active, age 11 month. Pair price 5499.
Aseel / desi mix java patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
age 9 months azanay daita hay murgio k xth crossing b karta hy. wieght 2 kg. beutiful. price is little bit negotiable.
Mottled cochine bantam set  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Mottled cochine bantam set for sale . Only interstet person cal plz no sms
Pure sindi aseel coock  - Pets & Animals / Birds
pure sindi aseel coock for sale
Aseel black Mushka patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel black Mushka patha  orignal Aseel murgha.. Age 5 months
Pure aseel pathi , in very small price  - Pets & Animals / Birds
laying eggs 1st time, quality can b seen in pictures. not negotiable full n final.1500. kisi sangi yar k liay 1400. no call only sms . chaxka party stay away.
Need a white fantail (lakkah)female pigeon  - Pets & Animals / Birds
I need a healthy female lakkah (fantail)pigeon.In white colour.
Aseel jawa murga  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Beautiful aseel jawa
Black Silkie Small Sized  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Black silkie male for sale....small sized...active and healthy...
Golden Buff Breeder  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Golden buff breeder pair for sale...active and healthy..original pics attatched
Blue Heavy Brreeder  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Blue heavy avialable for sale....vaccinated...active...confirm breeder,,,original pics attatched
Aseel jawa coock and hen  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Aseel murga for sale active & healthy murgi be ha or us ta sath 4 month chickens be murgi kuch dino tak eggs dana start kar day gi 4 sa 5 din tak chicken jawa ka han picture sub ki han Jawa= ...
Pure sindi aseel coock  - Pets & Animals / Birds
for sale assel murga Pure sindi aseel coock
Sindhi Aseel Patha  - Pets & Animals / Birds
age 11 months almost. very healthy and gud fighter. home breed no disease. long height. best as breeder.
Lakha aseel for sal  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Lakha aseel for sal  age 1.3 years almost.
HighClassBirdss  - Pets & Animals / Birds
My apnay birds sale karna chata hn nasal baut achii hein ap kar dakh saktay hn sharoz puria r 2 3 nasal hen adreess chowndi no 8 near sadqabad
AseelMurghaSale  - Pets & Animals / Birds
age 17month peli noke nali adress chungi no 8 near sadqabad rawalpandii
Murag muga adult  - Pets & Animals / Birds
misri muga adult for urgent sale
Golden sbrite adult  - Pets & Animals / Birds
golden sbrite adult set
Aseel cocks topclass  - Pets & Animals / Birds
i wan to sale my aseels home breed guaranteed birds u can check these
Aseel kala java 6.5 months//parmoz  - Pets & Animals / Birds
pure aseel kala java very good condition 6.5 months old white legs and black nails
Bantam cochine breader pairs  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Breader pairs for sale black cochine bantam 2500 Blue cochine bantam 2500 White cochine bantam 2500 age 12 months egg laying femails orignal piks attached Discount avalable if any 1 buy ...
For sell two pair ghobara & one laky  - Pets & Animals / Birds
one bleeding pair ghobara with ho one pair and one safeed laku
Rose comb young pair ready to breed  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Rose comb young piar ha age 6 month ha healthy and vaccinated ha abi egg dna start naheen keay murgha cross krha ha
Pure aseel pair and chicks  - Pets & Animals / Birds
pure aseel for sale 1 pair 2 chicks
Breadrs pair fain tail  - Pets & Animals / Birds
Ready to bread .exclent pair nd one femail
Buda piest pegions  - Pets & Animals / Birds
very healthy and active pair
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