Ludwigia palustris - Live Aquatic Plant - Aquarium
(Corpus Christi) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Ludwigia palustris. Fully aquatic freshwater plant.
10+ Dwarf Water Lettuce Aquarium tank Pond Live Plant Planted Betta Floating
(Des Plaines) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
GROWN INDOOR 10+ Dwarf Water LettuceAquarium Fish tank Pond Live PlantSize: 10+Shipping: USPS First Class.
10+ Amazon Frogbit - Live Amazon Aquarium Plants Aquatic Floating Plant
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
5x3 Eleocharis Parvula dwarf hairgrass mat aquarium planted tank BUY2GET1FREE
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Dwarf Hairgrass is a great plant for beginners and seasoned aquarium keepers alike. It is an attractive bottom covering plant with long light green grass-like leaves. The Dwarf Hairgrass can be housed...
6 Small Ruffle sword plants Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank low light
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The Ruffle Leaf Sword will provide a nice contrast to any aquarium with its long, light-green, undulate leaves that have ruffled edges. The Ruffle Leaf Sword requires a nutrient-rich substrate and iro...
Alternanthera ficoidea Hedge Cherry Freshwater Live terrarium Plant BUY2GET1FREE
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This plant works very well for terrariums, ripariums and aquariums alike. It has a interesting leaf shape and a the shades of red an green gives it a very appealing look. It works very well with its r...
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
CRYPTOCORYNE LUTEA 1 POT. The Cryptocoryne Lutea is a popular foreground plant that will thrive is most conditions, including hard water conditions. Suitable in Co2 and none Co2 tanks. Will benefit fr...
(Titusville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
(On Sale :) 7 SUPER HEALTHY Florida Mangrove plants with Roots & Leaves. 10"-15"+ ready to grow in your Aquarium. Mangroves are aquatic trees or shrubs that grow in the coastal waters of the world's t...
Surface Skimmer - Planted Aquarium Film Surfclear Fish Tank Filter Oil Protein
(Portland) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
ISTA External CO2 Ceramic Reactor Diffuser 16/22mm. Substrate Premium Soil. ●Effectively remove the organism and the protein floats to assure a crystal clear water surface, enabling more photosynthe...
Salvinia oblongifolia, the bigger salvinia
(Sullivan) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Salvinia oblongifolia. A floating fern that is much larger than it's more popular cousin Salvinia minima. It's slightly trickier to grow. Like many of my other plants I've found that it grows best in ...
Rotala Wallichii Fast growing Pink/Purple Stem plant perfect for planted Tank.
(Bay City) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Type of plant: Rotala. Blank is a Super Blank Plant that is found in Blank. I’m a US based Plant farm unlike any other! Plant Specifics. Hardyness of a scale of 1-10: 5. Color: Pink/Purple.
ten sections of hornwort about one inches long
(Katy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
For sale are ten sections of hornwort. If you put them on large and deep tank with strong light source, they will grow very long. If you let them free floating, they will grow horizontally. They can b...
-BUY 2 GET 1 FREE- Anubias Nana Petite Live Freshwater Aquarium Plant Planted
(Franklin) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anubias Nana Petite (Bare Root). You will receive 1 quantity high quality USA grown Anubias Nana Petite. State laws should always be followed when considering keeping live aquatic plants. These plants...
Ludwigia Arcuata (Needle-Leaf Ludwigia) - BUY3GET1FREE - Live Red Aquarium Plant
(Newark) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Ludwigia Arcuata. You should always follow your State's laws regarding keeping live aquatic plants. We will get back to you after we've successfully examined the picture. - You can expect a high quali...
Aponogeton Madagascar Lace Bulb B2G1 Pond Easy Fast Growing Live Aquarium Plant
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Aponogeton Madagascariensis Lace (may slightly different from picture). Madagascar Lace Bulb.
Nymphaea Mungkala Yellow Hardy Water Lily Tuber Live Plant For Fish Pets Balcony
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 Tuber of Nymphaea Mungkala Yellow Hardy (The first and second main picture are a sample of our product). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place...
30 Water Lettuce 100% Organic Floating Aquarium/ Pond Plants
(Hollywood) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Water Lettuce or Pistia Stratioes, is a unique floater that resembles a floating head of cabbage or lettuce. The white flowers are a fairly insignificant and appear at the base of the leaves. These ro...
HUGE BIG glossostigma Mat carpet wall Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
You will get a mat that is already established just add water, substrate and light and you are ready to rock and roll. It also works great to create a wall on the back of your tank. The mat can also b...
Marimo Moss 4 Balls 3cm and 4cm (Cladophora) Live Plant Aquarium Tank In USA
(Brooklyn) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Eleocharis Montevides Potted Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant Tall Grass
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 potted Eleocharis Montevides (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). GREENPRO l Guild to Aquarium (Potted). We strive to create the best quality of ou...
15 moneywort plant plants live aquarium plants aquascaping planted tank easy
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
When sufficient vertical growth is observed, white roots should begin appearing at leaf nodes. The second option is to allow the Moneywort plant to grow until it has reached the surface. It will start...
🍀Fissidens sp LL🍀
(Bleicherode) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Aquarium Moos - RARITÄT FISSIDENS SP LL Aufgebunden auf Cocosschale 3x3 cm Ich gebe dieses wunderschöne Moos aus meinem Garnelen Becken ab. Es ist Ungeziefer frei. Dieses Moos wächst sehr gut ohn...
LOW TECH Aquarium Plant Amazon Sword Kleiner Bar Medium Buy2 Get1 FREE
(Canton) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Amazon Frog Bit
(Glenside) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Frog bit (Limnobium laevigatum) is a fast growing ,beautiful, highly useful freshwater floating plant for aquariums and ponds. This plant is great for beginners and require little to no effort to grow...
Anubias White 'Nano Petite' | APF / Aquarium Plants Factory | BUY 2 GET 1 FREE*
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anubias White 'Nano Petite' is also known as Petite Snow White Marble. The size is comparable with our Anubias Nano 'Super Petite'. Anubias White 'Nano Petite' |Aquarium Plants Factory. ( fish, shrimp...
Dwarf Nomaphila Siamensis Bundle Tropical Aquarium Live Plant USA Hand Growth
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in every detail of our plants. GREENPRO l Guild to Aquarium (Bundle).
Duckweed (Lemna minor) Indoor Grown Buy 2 Get 1 Free Live Floating Plant
(Springfield) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
200+ pieces of Lesser/common Duckweed( Lemna minor). 5-10x smaller than giant duckweed. This duckweed also makes a great food source for goldfish, turtles, and other aquatic life! To much flow, or bei...
Aquatic Terrarium Kit With Live Marimo Moss Balls - Large Starter Set
(Indianapolis) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Enter the fun and strange world of Marimo Moss Balls with our all-inclusive Marimo Aquarium Kit. Each kit contains 2 giant marimo balls that are between 1" and 1.5". We try to include two marimos of d...
Medium Terrarium Kit - Live Marimo 2-3 cm Moss Ball Pet w/ Adoption Certificates
(Hurdland) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Marimo Moss Ball Pet! Marimo are able to grow about 5mm per year. However, when Marimos perform photosynthesis, the oxygen bubbles generated by the Marimo can make the Moss Ball Pets float up to the s...
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
ANUBIAS BARTERI ROUND "GOLDEN COIN" 1 PLANTS. Anubias barteri "golden coin" is a hardy plant with round dark green leaves. WHY CAN YOU TRUST US?. If you have any problem. Our goal is to provide the be...
STUNNING Nesaea Pedicellata (Golden) Bunch Buy2 Get1 FREE
(Terrell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Nesaea Pedicellata (Golden) Bunch. Nesaea pedicellata is native to west Africa and is relatively easy to grow in an aquarium. It tolerates both hard or soft water and prefers a temperature between 70 ...
LUDWIGIA CUBA -Freshwater Aquatic Live Plants SUPER PRICE!!!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
You buy one bunch for ludwigia CUBA. Max height in the tank. Growth rate. not required.
10x Java Moss Vesicularia Dubyana Golf Ball 2'' Size APF® Live Aquatic Plants
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Java moss is a moss belonging to the Hypnaceae family. Native to Southeast Asia, it is commonly used in freshwater aquariums. It can be attached to rocks, roots, and driftwood. Java Moss is sold as a ...
Water Spangles 40+ Live aquarium plants FREE SHIPPING!!
(Carbondale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Salvinia Minima or Water Spangle Plants are a great addition to your aquarium. Because they are floating plants they are able to use the CO2 in the air which makes them reproduce at a astonishing rate...
5g Live Aquarium Plant Seeds Glossostigma Leaf Carpet Aquatic Fish Tank Decors
(杨浦区) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Aquarium Plant Seeds Fish Tank Aquatic Water Grass Foreground Easy Plants 5g. Type: Aquarium plant seeds. Sprinkle a layer of soil on the seeds to avoid the seeds floating up(the thinner the. 1 Bag 5g...
6X Salvinia Natans/ LIVE Floating Plants/Aquarium/ Ponds
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
For sale are outdoor/Indoor tank-raised live Salvinia Natans also known as (Water Spangles). It is easy to grow and no fertilizers is required. The pictures shown are just for reference of how the pla...
6 Medium Anubias Barteri plants Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank low ligh
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anubias nana is a hardy plant that is an aquarium favorite among many hobbyists. It prefers moderate lighting. Because it grows well from cuttings, you can usually reproduce it easily. It can be attac...
Glossostigma elatinoides Live Aquarium Plants Fresh Aquatic Fish BUY2GET1FREE
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The plant you will received will be similar in color, shape and size as the one in the picture. Family: Glossostigma. Glossostigma is an excellent plant to cover and also beautify a barren foreground.
6 Seeds and 6 Plants! Aquarium Red Mangroves Saltwater Freshwater
(Homestead) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
6 Very healthy Red Mangroves with well developed roots and leaves along with 6 Red Mangrove seeds undeveloped. 6 mangroves will have 2 to 6 leaves and will be fully developed as young plants. Mangrove...
6 Jungle Vallisneria American Val Plants Live Aquarium Plants
(Terrell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Jungle vals prefer slow moving water, and it primarily inhabits lakes, ponds, and streams. It normally grows in shallow water, and it's rarely found in depths greater than ten feet. Jungle vals are in...
Potted Micro Sword Narrow-Leaf (LILAEOPSIS NOVAEZELANDIAE) Ships Free! Daily!
(Midvale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It's a great plant for beginners and aquarium keepers alike. An attractive bottom carpet plant with long light green grass-like leaves, it will spread out in a thick carpet of grass. It grows exceptio...
Ludwigia Repens, grown submerged, shipped USPS priority mail.
(Hermitage) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Ludwigia Repens, grown submerged so it should bounce right back from shipping without melting. Of course melting could still happen to a lesser extent. We ship Priority Mail to get them there asap. $1...
Anubias Minima 6 Loose Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant Decoration Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 loose of Anubias Minima (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They are ready ...
BUY2 GET1 FREE Dwarf Sagittaria Pusilus NarrowLeaf Live Aquatic Plant
(Terrell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Dwarf Sagittaria Pusilus NarrowLeaf. Tall Narrowleaf Sagittaria can even live in brackish water. Tall Narrowleaf Sagittaria is one of the easier aquarium plants to maintain. It can thrive in a very wi...
Coral Moss AKA Mini Pellia (Riccardia chamedryfolia) on 3+ inch Driftwood
(Indianapolis) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This plant is a beautiful deep green that fares better in slightly higher lighting than many moss-like plants in the freshwater aquarium. Like many similar plants, it provides refuge for shrimp and fi...
Dwarf Sagittaria Subulata 6 Pot Pack Live Aquarium Plant Submersed Medium Grown
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 Pots of Dwarf Sagittaria (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They are ready...
ECHINODORUS ROSE ONE PLANT -Freshwater Aquatic Live Plants Super Price!!!!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This beautiful plant is a hybrid between Echinodorus horemanii ‘Red’ and Echinodorus horizontalis. New underwater leaves are a beautiful pink, and initially the leaves have red-brown spots. A nutr...
Glossostigma (Glosso Elatinoides) Portion - BUY3GET1FREE - Live Aquarium Plant
(Newark) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This amazing plant, also known as "Glosso" is native to India and Australia. It has very tiny round green leaves and only grows to about 2", making it a perfect contender for your aquarium's foregroun...
12 Mangroves Live Plants Aquarium Red Mangrove Saltwater Freshwater Seeds Tank
(Homestead) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
12 Very healthy Red Mangroves with well developed roots and leaves. Each mangrove will have 2 to 6 leaves. All of the mangroves you receive will be fully developed as young plants. Mangroves will impr...
Hornwort Fast growing easy floating plant PERFECT for beginners!
(Bay City) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hardness on a scale of 1-10 From 1 this plant can be thrown into a toilet and it will grow to a 10 it need everything to be perfect this plant is a 1.5. I have a 64 Square foot pond where i grow all s...
Ludwigia Palustris Red Narrow leaf BUY2GET1FREE Planted tank Aquarium Plant
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
You will get 1 bundle, each bundle contains 6 stems. I will also include a mystery plant of my choosing. Ludwigia Palustris Red Narrow leaf. This nice stem plant turns red easier and is smaller than t...
Live Aquatic Plant | Bucephalandra "Mercedes" | 2 Stem Lot
(Mahwah) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Creeping Jenny Bunch Lloydiella Lysimachia Live Aquarium Plants BUY2GET1FREE*
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Lysimachia nummularia also is known to many as Lloydiella or Creeping Jenny. It is a beautiful plant that is very easy to care for. Creeping Jenny grows fast and it is a great contrast to other freshw...
Red Root Floaters Live Aquarium Floating Plant, Phyllanthus fluitans
(Old Westbury) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It is a very beautiful floating plant, due to its peculiar red color that is even more pronounced under high levels of light. Both the roots and the leaves are round and water-repellent and are known ...
x1 Chaeto (~softball) Macroalgae Saltwater Reef Aquarium Chaetomorpha Refugium
(Austin) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Each set will contain x1 Chaeto (~softball).
(Titusville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Mangroves are aquatic trees or shrubs that grow in the coastal waters of the world's tropical oceans. These "rainforests by the sea" prevent erosion and house a diverse population of indigenous animal...
🟢 Subwassertang Round Pellia Moss Aquatic Aquarium Live Plants 2oz CUP
(Des Plaines) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Beautiful Subwassertang Round Pellia Moss2oz cupAquatic Aquarium Live PlantSize: you will receive a portion in cup seen in photosShipped with USPS First Class.
1 Handful o duckweed live plants Organic no chemicals tank raised Turtle food
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The picture shows the amount you will get so you can have an idea of size and color and quantity. Duckweeds, or water lens, are flowering aquatic plant which float on or just beneath the surface.
BUY2GET1FREE Glossostigma Elatinoides Potted Live Aquatic Plant
(Fort Lauderdale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Plant small divisions from several pots of Glossostigma in the desired areas of the tank and then watch them expand to form a dense carpet. When Glossostigma does not have enough light it tends to gro...
2 Pcs Artificial Aquarium Fake Plants Decoration Fish Tank Water Plant Ornament
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
This item is manufactured with top-class material for durable and long-lasting use without fading and odor. It is an excellent and beautiful decoration for fish tank or aquarium without harm to water,...
Alternanthera Reineckii Rosanervig Tissue Culture Live Aquarium Plant Decoration
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 cup of Alternanthera Reineckii Rosanervig(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place ...
Green Rotala / Rotala Rotundifolia / Mid-Background Aquatic Plants
(Duluth) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Rotala Rotundifolia, the dwarf Rotala, is a plant species origins from southeast of Asian. ======All about Rotala Rotundifolia=======. However, having sufficient light and CO2 allows it to grow with b...
4 Potted Live Aquarium Plants Bundle - Anubias, Amazon Sword, Kleiner Bar, etc
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
This is an excellent aquarium plant combination to bring life to your aquascape. In addition, aquarium plants will help to prevent excessive algae growth by competing with algae for nutrients. The vas...
10x10 Glossostigma elatinoides Mat Live Aquarium Plants Aquatic planted tank
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The plant you will received will be similar in color, shape and size as the one in the picture. Family: Glossostigma. Glossostigma is an excellent plant to cover and also beautify a barren foreground.
Nymphaea Helvola Yellow Hardy Water Lily Tuber Live Plant For Fish Pets Balcony
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 Tuber of Nymphaea Helvola Yellow Hardy (The first and second main picture are a sample of our product). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place ...
10X10 Dwarf Baby tears Hemianthus Callitrichoides cuba mat aquarium planted tank
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Genus: callitrichoides. Family: hemianthus. You should know this before placing any order. A GREAT VALUE IT WILL COVER MORE AREA THAN IF YOU USE POTTED BABY TEARS AND FOR LESS MONEY. IT IS ALSO A ESTA...
Anubias Lanceolata Loose Freshwater Aquarium Plant Low Light Fish Tank Easy Care
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 Loose of Anubias lanceolata (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in ever...
(Industry) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
WATER HYACINTH PLANTS. WATER HYACINTH. The nutrient absorbing qualities of the hyacinth absorb excess nutrients from the water, helping to reduce algae making it the best water clarifier. HELEN'S PERE...
Cyperus Helferi 6 Bundles Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant Tall Grass
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 bundles of Cyperus Helferi(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They are read...
APONOGETON BOIVINIANUS 1 BULB -Freshwater Aquatic Live Plants SUPER PRICE !!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Aponogeton boivinianus is a large, strong plant which is only suitable for large aquariums. A bulb plant from Madagascar. In favourable conditions it can form very large leaves. It needs a dormant per...
Stargrass (Heteranthera zosterifolia) Easy fasrt growing tall stem plant.
(Bay City) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hardness on a scale of 1-10 From 1 this plant can be thrown into a toilet and it will grow to a 10 it need everything to be perfect this plant is a 1.5. I have a 64 Square foot pond where i grow all s...
BUY2 GET1 FREE Lucky Bamboo Plant (Dracaena Sanderiana) Live Aquatic Plant
(Terrell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Lucky Bamboo Plant (Dracaena Sanderiana). Live Aquatic Plants. Avid aquarium hobbyist that understands the importance live aquatic plants play to the success of any aquarium. Our goal is to help all h...
Hemigraphis Colorata Potted Freshwater Aquarium Live Purple Plant Decoration Ada
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 potted of Hemigraphis Colorata (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). GREENPRO l Guild to Aquarium (Potted). We strive to create the best quality of ...
BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Micro Sword Liaeopsis Brasiliensis Aquarium Plants Potted
(Fort Lauderdale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Available As: Bareroot, Potted, Square foot, 1/2 SQ. it will grow even in moderate light and withot supplemnental CO2, but it will not achieve a thick lawn under these conditions. Photos are a sample ...
Aquascaping ADA Dragon Stone Ohko rock aquarium tropical fish plant shrimp
(Brooklyn) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The stones will be at random pick. They will be mix in size. One quantity is for 1 LB of stone. For example, if you looking to buy 10lbs of stone, you select the quantity of 10 during check out. Each ...
LOW TECH Aquarium Plant Dwarf Hairgrass Clump Eleocharis Parvula Buy2 Get1 FREE
(Terrell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Dwarf Hairgrass Clump Eleocharis Parvula. Eleocharis sp. 'Mini' also known as Dwarf Hairgrass 'Mini' or DHGM for short. It's only grown to a height of 3-6 cm, which makes it even smaller than the orig...
Pogostemon Octopus 6 Pots Freshwater Aquarium Plant Best Environment For Beta
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 Pots of Pogostemon Octopus(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They are read...
7 Plant (Vallisneria americana 'Natans') Jungle Val Aquarium Aquatic Live Pond
(Des Plaines) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Plant Name: JUNGLE VALLISNERIA (VALLISNERIA AMERICANA)Size: you will get 6 to 8 plants Home Grown Shipping: USPS First Class
20+ Live Frogbit - Freshwater Aquarium and pond Floating plant
(Griffin) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
20+ Live Frogbit - Freshwater Aquarium and pond Floating plant. These plants will multiply rapidly and provide great floating cover for your aquarium or pond. They provide excellent hiding places for ...
Aquarium Grass Seeds (Love Grass) Aquarium plant
(Piscataway) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Add water when seeds sprout. (add water slowly). Love Grass. Distribute seed on the substrate. Add the seeds into your tank. Don’t add too many seed in one spot. Space them out. Otherwise they’ll ...
Wisteria, Hygrophila Difformis potted aquarium plant (Buy 2 Get 1 Free)
(Fort Lauderdale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hygrophila Difformis, also known as Wisteria, is a popular aquarium stem plant. It is a great, fast-growing addition to any aquarium tank, especially a shrimp tank and its easy care even makes it suit...
Cryptocoryne Beckettii Brown Pot Crypt Live Aquarium Plants BUY2GET1FREE*
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Cryptocoryne beckettii. You will get 1 very nice pot of Cryptocoryne beckettii. This intensively green plant with brown colour hues is a beautiful and well-spread plant originally coming from Sri Lank...
20 Amazon Frogbit - Floating Plants / Aquarium or Pond FREE SHIPPING
(Hartsville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
*BUY 2 GET 1 FREE* Cholla Wood Stick Cactus Wood Organic Fish Decorations ✅
(Garland) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This is normal and the plants should recover quickly. My goal is to get your plants to you as fast as possible and in the best condition possible. Every piece is different in size, shape, texture etc.
8 XL Size Giant Amazon Frogbit Floating Aquarium Pond Plant & BONUS 5 Frogbit
(Burlingame) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
XL Giant Amazon Frogbit Floating Aquarium Pond Plants. You receive 8 of my biggest plants, this is very fast growing stuff! They have thicker leaves and stems and look great! Depending on your growing...
-BUY 2 GET 1 FREE- Anubias Nana Golden Rhizome Live Aquarium Plants
(Franklin) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anubias Nana Golden. State laws should always be followed when considering keeping live aquatic plants. These plants are sold for aquarium use only and never to be released into the wild. With good wa...
Alternanthera Lilacina Bundle Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Plant USA Hand Growth
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 bundle of Alternanthera Lilacina (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in...
2 cups live chaetomorpha macro algae, saltwater refugium amphipods copepods
(Williamsport) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
2 cups live chaetomorpha macro algae, (will always add a little more, sold by volume) ships Monday- Wednesday
BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Live Aquarium Plant Aquatic Plants Java Moss planted tank fish
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It accepts all kinds of water. It grows best at 70 to 75 Fahrenheit (21 to 24 Celsius), but can live in temperatures of up to 85 to 90 F (29 to 32 °C). It makes a good foreground plant. In aquariums ...
1 Tablespoon of Wolffia, watermeal, tiny floating aquatic plant starter culture
(Sullivan) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
I run my tanks with high light, low turbulence, very hard water (>400ppm GH), in the upper seventies. If you want neither of these then you might want to consider quarantining. You'll receive 1 tables...
Myriophyllum Aquaticum 6 Bundles Pack Beautiful Floating Aquarium Live Plant
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 bundles of Myriophyllum Aquaticum (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They ...
NYMPHAEA RUBRA 2 BULBS (Dwarf Water Lily) - SUPER PRICE !!!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
NYMPHAEA RUBRA 2 BULBS ( Dwarf Water Lily ). Nymphaea Rubra is native to Asia and is quite an easy to grow plant in the aquarium. It requires bright lights and a rich substrate in order to thrive, but...
NEW Aquarium Plant Seeds Aquatic Small Leaf Carpet Water Grass Fish Tank Décor
(Fairfield) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The plants should quickly begin to sprout above the substrate forming a beautiful carpet effect. Then, carefully transfer the seeds from the container to an aquarium that is. Place desired amount of s...
15 + Water Lettuce Live Floating Aquarium Plants 2 to 4 inches
(North Port) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Always rinse any item before you add to tank or pond. Using water from tank or pond in cases of plants. They are grown in natural sun light. Plants are very hardy and do well in ponds and fish tanks.
CRYPTOCORYNE WILLISI 1 POT -Freshwater Aquatic Live Plants SUPER PRICE !!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
CRYPTOCORYNE WILLISI 1 POT. Cryptocoryne willisi is on of the most common crypts and certainly the most popular of all the Cryptocoryne we have on sale. The ability to thrive is most conditions is one...
35 Frogbit - Freshwater Aquarium & Pond Plant
(Pasadena) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Pogostemon Erectus in Nano Cup Freshwater Live Aquarium Rare Plant Small Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 nano cup of Pogostemon Erectus(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in ev...
6 bunches Hygrophila Angustifolia plants Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It has large stems with narrow leaves that sway in the current like a weeping willow tree. For Hygrophila Angustifolia to thrive, the water should be kept between 74°-82°F, with an alkalinity of 3 t...
Taxiphyllum Flame Rare Moss in Cup Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant Aquascape
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in every detail of our plants. GREENPRO l Guild to Aquarium (Tissue Culture).
3” Mini pellia moss On Cholla Wood. What You See Is What You Get
(Richmond) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Mini pellia / coral moss - Riccardia chamedryfolia pad - Aquarium Live Plants. May have snails. Shipped with USPS First Class.