Bucephalandra Dark Grey “rare”
(Chico) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Bucephalandra Dark Grey “rare”. Condition is "New". Shipped with USPS First Class.You’ll receive you rhizome of Buceaphaldra Dark Grey with 4-5+ leafs. It is emerse grown and will be free of pes...
Alternanthera Lilacina 6 Bundles Pack Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant Easy Care
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 bundles of Alternanthera Lilacina (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They ...
Healthy "Amazon Sword" Ready to be Planted! Medium Sized! Live Aquarium Plants!!
(Porterville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Amazon Swords are one of the oldest-kept plants in the hobby, loved for their ease of care and ability to tolerate a wide range of conditions. (Very Easy Care). (1 Order = 1 Healthy Plant).
Live Aquatic Plant | Fissidens nobilis | 3" x 3" Mat
(Mahwah) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
For a 3" x 3" mat of Fissidens nobilis similar to the one in the pictures.
Healthy "Water Hyacinth" Floating Koi Pond/Aquarium Plants!! Great Deal!!
(Porterville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Keeping those Koi, Aquariums, Fish, & Critters Happy! Very Healthy Well Taken Care of Aquatic Plants. Water hyacinths are very useful at competing with algae! Their fast growth rate allows them to qui...
Echinodorus Xingu 6 Bundles Freshwater Live Aquarium Plant Background Decoration
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 bundles of Echinodorus Xingu(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They are re...
Java Fern Windelov Potted Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant Low Maintenance Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 potted of Java Fern Windelov (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). GREENPRO l Guild to Aquarium (Potted). We strive to create the best quality of ou...
Marsilea Quadrifolia, Four Leaf Clover Potted freshwater aquarium plant (Buy 2,
(Fort Lauderdale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Aquatic fern bearing 4 parted leaf resembling '4-leaf clover' Trifolium. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It normally seems to be unfussy as to light and water conditions, and d...
Hydrocotyle Leucocephala Pot Tropical Aquarium Live Plant Premium Hand Growth
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 potted of Hydrocotyle Leucocephala (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value ...
Nymphaea Dinner Light Yellow Hardy Live Tuber Water Lily Plant for Pond Garden
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 Tuber of Nymphaea Dinner Yellow Hardy (The first and second main picture are a sample of our product). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place v...
Aquarium Plants Aquatic Water Grass Plant Fish Tank Decor Moss Mesh
(闵行区) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Sprinkle the seeds evenly on the surface of mud or sand. It makes an excellent foreground aquarium plant. Buying these plants in seed form is one of the best deals for having live plants in your tank.
Grown Flame Moss on Rock - Aquarium Aquatic Freshwater Live Plant Java Wood
(Des Plaines) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
4 Type Aquarium Live Plants Bundle Repens Red Rotala Reineckii Dwarf Baby Tears
(Des Plaines) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
4 Type Aquarium Live Plants Bundle Repens Red Rotala Reineckii Dwarf Baby Tears. Condition is "New". Shipped with USPS First Class.
*BUY 2 GET 1 FREE* Anubias Nana Petite Pot Fish Tank Plants Aquarium Plant ✅
(Garland) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anubias Nana Petite. Photos are a sample representation, not the actual plants you will receive. Every plant is different and will vary in size/color slightly. We realize without you, we would have no...
6x Pot Anubias Golden Nana Freshwater Easy Live Aquarium Plants ADA Decoration
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Golden Anubias. "Golden" Anubias are great plants that do well from low light to high light tanks. You can attach them to driftwood, aquarium decorations, or plant in your substrate. You will get 6 ve...
Anubias Petite Pot Nana Petite Aquatic Live Freshwater Aquarium Plants Factory®
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anubias nana 'Petite' is a smallest form of Anubias family. Anubias Nana 'Petite'. 1 potted of Anubias Nana 'Petite'.
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Tropica Pot Crypt Fresh Live Aquatic Plants BUY2GET1FREE*
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown' is suitable for small aquariums. When grown in an open space the leaves will virtually lie on the bottom. Like most other Sri Lanka Cryptocorynes, it also grows well in ha...
10+ Salvinia cucullata (Asian Watermoss) - Live Floating Pond/Aquarium Plant
(Cleveland) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It's a particularly attractive floating fern species from tropical Asia where it grows on sunny surfaces of still waterways. Its a very easy & fast growing aquatic plant & It does very well with fish,...
Ludwigia Glandosa Rare New Red Pink Aquarium Plant advanced textured plant.
(Bay City) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Type of plant: Ludwigia. I’m a US based Plant farm unlike any other! Plant Specifics. Substrate: Nutrient rich needed. Color: Pink-Red. Hardiness of a scale of 1-10: 5.
JAVA Moss - Freshwater Fish Tank Aquarium Plants
(Port Saint Lucie) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Generous 2 ounce cup filled portion for freshwater aquarium ~ Super green Java Moss!
20 Amazon Frogbit - Floating Plants / Aquarium or Pond FREE SHIPPING
(Hartsville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
*BUY 2 GET 1 FREE* Red Myrio Myriophyllum Heterophyllum Live Aquarium Plants ✅
(Garland) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Red Myrio Care Info. State laws should always be followed when considering keeping live aquatic plants. These plants are sold for aquarium use only and never to be released into the wild. We are here ...
FOXTAIL GREEN MYRIO - 1 BUNCH Freshwater Aquatic Live Plants SUPER PRICE!!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Myriophyllum heterophyllum is commonly known as Two Leaf Water Milfoil or Red Foxtail. This plant has a beautiful green coloration, and is very delicate looking with its fine leaves. you buy one bunch...
6 bunches moneywort plants Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank low light pond
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Provide a minimum of 2 watts per gallon of full spectrum (5000°K-7000°K) lighting for the best results. When sufficient vertical growth is observed, white roots should begin appearing at leaf nodes.
LOW TECH Aquarium Plant Ludwigia Repens Super Red Mini 2"Pot Buy2 Get1 FREE
(Terrell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Ludwigia Repens Super Red Mini 2"Pot. Ludwigia Repens (Super Red Mini) may have smaller leaves that it's cousin (Dark Red) but doesn't lack in stature. Super Red Mini brings contrast to the tank with ...
Java Moss Vesicularia dubyana live aquatic plant-BUY 2 GET 1 FREE
(Fort Lauderdale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Java moss is a moss belonging to the family Hypnaceae. Native to southeast Asia, it is commonly used in freshwater aquariums. It attaches to rocks, roots, and driftwood. Java moss is relatively easy t...
(Farmington) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This is live dwarf Vallisneria for a freshwater aquarium. Last picture is taken from above. Quantity is approx. 2 cup starter portion.
Potted Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis brasiliens) Live! Free Shipping! Daily!
(Midvale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The Micro Sword is a great plant for beginners and seasoned aquarium keepers alike. An attractive bottom covering plant with long light green grass-like leaves, it will spread out in thick carpet of g...
Anubias Nana 6 nano Driftwood Freshwater Aquarium Plant Decoration Safe for Fish
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 pieces of Anubias Nana on nano Driftwood (The first and second the main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for...
3x Anacharis Bunch Egeria Elodea Densa Freshwater Water Live Aquarium Plants
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anacharis, also known as the Brazilian Waterweed, is an ideal aquatic plant for beginners. Beautiful light to bright green leaves, with branching stems covered in bunches of linear, whorled leaves. Th...
(Titusville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Mangroves are aquatic trees or shrubs that grow in the coastal waters of the world's tropical oceans. These "rainforests by the sea" prevent erosion and house a diverse population of indigenous animal...
Freshwater Aquarium Dwarf Hairgrass Seeds Foreground or Carpeting in Planted
(Westfield) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hairgrass is an aquatic plant commonly used as a foreground or carpeting plant in planted aquariums. Hairgrass need a fine-grained substrate rich in nutrients and minerals, especially iron. Healthy li...
Bucephalandra Basket
(Chico) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Bucephalandra Basket 15x10. After purchasing leave a comment which type you want or you can request for a mix of certain buceaphaldra that is shown in the picture. They are mostly emerse and partial s...
BUY2 GET1 FREE Parrot Feather (Myriophyllum Aquaticum) Bunch Live Aquatic Plant
(Terrell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Parrot Feather (Myriophyllum Aquaticum) Bunch. This is a truly beautiful and very beneficial plant for aquariums with gentle to moderate water flow. It can also be bunched and planted in the substrate...
Cryptocoryne Mioya Tissue Culture Tropical Live Aquarium Plant For Hiding Fish
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 cup of Cryptocoryne Mioya(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in every d...
Nesaea Pedicellata Golden Bundle Freshwater Aquarium Rare Plant Beautiful Decor
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 bundle of Nesaea Pedicellata Golden(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value ...
Helanthium tenellus (Pygmy Chain Sword) - Live Aquatic Plant - Aquarium
(Corpus Christi) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Helanthium tenellus (Pygmy Chain Sword). Fully aquatic freshwater plant. Portion size : 2 bare root plants.
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Eleocharis sp. 'Mini' also known as Dwarf Hairgrass 'Mini'. It's only grown to a height of 1"-2", which makes it even smaller than the original Eleocharis parvula. It needs good light but is a great c...
Java Moss Live Water Plant for Aquarium Fish Tank
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Free from parasite, snail, hitchhiker, or any other critters. Live Water Plant (for aquarium fish tank). Java moss is commonly used in freshwater aquariums and vivariums. "Great for fish to hide in.
Alternanthera ficoidea Hedge Green Freshwater Live terrarium Plant BUY2GET1FREE
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This plant works very well for terrariums, ripariums and aquariums alike. It works very well with its relative Hedge cherry. When planted in the terrarium it is very important to keep humidity high.
Potted Italian val (vallisneria spiralis) Live Aquarium Plants Ships Free Daily
(Midvale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Monte Carlo (Micranthemum) Tweedei 2"x2" EMERGED grown– Easy Carpet Aquarium
(Van Buren) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Micranthemum Tweedei Monte Carlo is a carpet plant similar to Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Glosso, and Hydropiper. When grown as a carpet it can get very thick and will need to be cleaned well each wat...
Jungle Val ~ Big Beautiful Healthy ~ asst. length ~ $uper $ale Buy 1 get 2 free!
(Port Saint Lucie) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Jungle Val ~ Big Beautiful & Healthy ~ Buy 1 Get 2 bunches free this week only ~ You'll get at least 15 stems with this deal! Looks great in your tank ~ Live aquarium plants.
x3 Pogostemon Kimberley Freshwater Live Aquarium Plants RARE
(Austin) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
6 Medium Red Rubin Sword plants Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank low light
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This is a great background plant that will add a variety of color and texture to your freshwater planted aquarium. The Red Rubin is a relatively easy plant to maintain, but grows rather large in the a...
Hemigraphis Colorata Bunch Purple B2G1 Live Aquarium Plants Decorations Beginner
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hemigraphis Colorata. Hemigraphis Colorata is being use for midground and background. It's one of the most beautiful and unique plant with a dark purple leaves. It will standout in your aquarium tank.
Fluval Plant and Shrimp Stratum Aquarium Substrate 8.8 lb
(Collinsville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Fluval Plant and Shrimp Stratum Aquarium Substrate 8.8 lb.
High Quality Java Moss Live Aquarium Plant
(Kalispell) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Buy two portions and receive a third portion at no cost.
1 CUP of Live Azolla / Mosquito Fern - Aquarium and Pond Plant
(Temple City) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Giant Duckweed, Spirodela polyrhiza, 40+ LiveFloating Plants for Pond / Aquarium
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
I will also include a mystery plant of my choosing. The Giant Duckweed is the largest of the duckweed family weeds, although it is still less than 1cm long. It’s one of the four most common duckweed...
Red Root Floaters, Phyllanthus Fluitans. Large portion 15,20,30 +2 extra!
(Matthews) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Super easy Floaters to grow, they do change color depending on maturity of the plant. They can be green (new) or red (mature). EACH LEAF IS A PLANT ITSELF! These will steadily grow and eventually crea...
7 Water lettuce Plants! Great For Water Ponds, Fountains, Or Other Water Gardens
(Templeton) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
7 Water lettuce plants. Varying sizes but plant grows fast! Great for the summertime and fish can hide in the long roots. Grows best in full sun and warm water. Shipped with USPS Firs
6 Pots of Anubia nana plants Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank super easy
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
2 and high light intensity. They will recover their normal color and grow once on your tank. This is done to discouragefraud and scam artists. If after 48 hours there are not pictures of dead or not a...
Eleocharis sp. Mini in Tissue Culture Dwarf Hairgrass Mini Live Aquarium Plants
(Fontana) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Eleocharis acicularis 'mini' are even lower growth than the common Eleocharis parvula. Plant the mini-version in small portions covering a larger area. Needs light to perform optimal, however, it is o...
Floating plant bundle- 70+leaves-Amazon Frogbit/Red Root/Riccia Water Spangles
(Alpharetta) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
No snails or Parasite, fresh from my fish tank to yours! 70+leaves - Amazon Frogbit/Red Root/Riccia Water Spangles-Live Floating Plant bundle.
salvinia minima / water spangles
(Hollywood) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
salvinia minima / water spangles. Condition is "New". Shipped with USPS First Class.Water spangles- i had too many in one tank and didn’t want to waste, so i’m selling a handful. ‼️Duckweed an...
Aponogeton Boivinianus 6 Bulbs Freshwater Live Aquarium Excotic Live Plant Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 Bulbs of Aponogeton Boivinianus (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They ar...
12 Red Root Floaters Phyllanthus Fluitans Floating Plant 🌱🌿🌴
(Merlin) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
12 Red Root Floaters Phyllanthus Fluitans Floating Plant 🌱🌿🌴. Condition is "New". Shipped with USPS. We ship on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Rotala rotundifolia (Indica)
(Brownstown) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Algae free not sail free.
Anubias Congensis Potted Freshwater Aquarium Live Plant For Low Maintenance Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 potted of Anubias Congensis (The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). GREENPRO l Guild to Aquarium (Potted). We strive to create the best quality of our...
BUY2GET1FREE Cabomba fanwort Tropical Live Aquarium Plants Bunch planted tank
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It is a densely growing plant that makes for a wonderful, natural looking background in a planted aquarium. Leaves dropping from the plant are usually a sign of poor water conditions or CO2 deficiency...
STUNNING Amazon Sword Red Flame Small Buy2 Get1 FREE 🔥
(Canton) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Handful Of Guppy Grass -Najas Floating Plant
(Miami) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Guppy grass, najas grass, or – scientifically – Najas guadalupensis, is a fast-growing plant that removes heavy metals, toxins, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates from the water while producing oxygen...
20 Aquatic Live Plants Freshwater Alligator Weed/pond Plant
(Hartsville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Alligator weed is a very easy to grow aquatic plant that will grow in virtually any climate. As it grow to the surface of your aquarium or pond it will actually creep along the edges or across the wat...
Althernathera rosefolia -Freshwater Aquatic Live Plants SUPER PRICE!!!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Alternanthera rosefolia. Although uncommon in Nature Aquarium layout designs, this is the most popular red plant used in Dutch style aquariums. you buy one bunch for Max height in the tank. Growth rat...
2X4in Portion Of Fissidens fontanus Live Aquarium Plants Phoenix Moss
(Philadelphia) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Fissidens looks particularly natural when tied to branch-like pieces of wood or nestled at the base of a rock formation. Temperature: 22-28°C/72-82°F. This moss will attach itself to the usual locat...
5/4/3-in-1 Stainless Steel Aquarium Scissors Tweezers fr Fish Tank Aquatic Plant
(Chino) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
5pcs aquarium aquascaping tools kit: Straight Scissors, Curved Scissors, Substrate Spatula, Straight Tweezers, Bent Tweezers. This aquascaping tools kit help you maintain your freshwater aquarium plan...
Liverwort in Cup Freshwater Live Aquarium Fossil Plant Foreground Fish Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in every detail of our plants. GREENPRO l Guild to Aquarium (Tissue Culture). This list : you will get 1 cup of Monosolenium ...
3 cups of Christmas Moss plants Easy Aquarium aquascaping planted tank US grow
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The difference between Christmas Moss and Java Moss can be easily identified by the fluffier leaves of the Christmas Moss. One of the most beutifull aquarium mosses. It loves moving water and if you d...
35+ Amazon Frogbit Live Floating Plant. Free Priority Mail Shipping!
(Monrovia) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
35+Amazon Frogbit. Live Floating Plant for Aquarium. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.
10 Water Lettuce, Medium Sized & Free Sample of Parrot Feather Plants FREE SHIP
(Hartsville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Water lettuce plants are almost essential to the beauty of your pond. These plants are as large as the palm of your hand, healthy and have established roots. This sale include a FREE SAMPLE of Parrot ...
Ludwigia Arcuata - Submerged Grown Aquarium Live Plant
(Brooklyn) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Due the nature, each plant you receive may slightly different in size and color . CO2 is required for advanced (expert) plant to grow.
BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Anubias Frazeri Aquatic Plants Live Aquarium Plants Bare Root
(Fort Lauderdale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Anubias 'Frazeri' is a large, robust aquarium plant, and fast growing for an Anubias. It is very decorative and easy to grow. Anubias 'Frazeri'. Growth Rate: Slow, but faster than most Anubias. Availa...
Echinodorus Bleheri 6 Bundles Live Aquarium Plant Best Environment for Betta Ada
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 bundles of Echinodorus Bleheri(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They are ...
Marsilea Quadrifolia, Four Leaf Clover Potted freshwater aquarium plant (Buy 2,
(Fort Lauderdale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It normally seems to be unfussy as to light and water conditions, and doesn't need a rich substrate. Low, spreading fern. IMPORTANT: Photos are ...
Flourish Planted Aquarium Comprehensive Plant Supplement Additive Seachem 500ml
(Atwater) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
500ml Flourish from Seachem. View a chart of Flourish™ constituents and signs of their deficiency.
(Titusville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Mangroves are aquatic trees or shrubs that grow in the coastal waters of the world's tropical oceans. These "rainforests by the sea" prevent erosion and house a diverse population of indigenous animal...
x3 Blyxa Japonica TANK RAISED. Rare SHIPS FROM USA
(Mechanicville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
x3 Blyxa Japonica Freshwater Live Aquarium Plants RARE. Condition is "New". Shipped with USPS First Class. — FYI — YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 STEMS - these plants are tank raised with injected c02. They a...
1 cup Duckweed live plants Turtle fish food Ships Free Daily
(Midvale) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Unlike fossil fuels, duckweed removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere instead of adding it. Duckweed ,water lens, orbayroot, arefreshwater aquatic plants. They float in still or slow-moving fresh w...
Healthy "Hornwort"!! Large Bunch+Free Shipping! Live Aquarium Plants
(Porterville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Benefits of Hornwort Hornwort is one of the easiest freshwater plants to grow. It can be used as either a floating plant or rooted in the substrate, giving you more freedom when designing the look of ...
Weeping Moss Cup Freshwater Live Aquarium Plant Aquascaping Shrimp Pond Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in every detail of our plants. This list : you will get 1 cup of Weeping Moss (The first and second main picture are a sample...
Cryptocoryne Mioya Bunch B2G1 Freshwater Live Aquarium Plant Decorations Crypt
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Cryptocoryne Mioya. Cryptocoryne Mioya is being used for foreground and midground. the leaves color are bright green to brown. This plant can make a great contrast and nice composition in your aquariu...
Fissidens Fontanus 3"x3" - Live Aquarium Moss Water Plants Tropical Fish Tank
(Hillsboro) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
It will grow under a variety of conditions and attaches well to different substrates (even if it does not cling to it as firmly as Taiphyllum species). With its fern-like thalli, it looks great in all...
Large Water Lettuce 3 plants Greenhouse Natural Biofilter pond pistia stratiotes
(Sanger) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Water Lettuce - Pistia stratiotes. It provide shaded areas for your pond and clarifies the water by consuming nitrates. Optimum water temperature : 70 - 80 degrees, pH : 6.5 - 7.5.
2 containers floating duckweed indoor nursery grown organic BUY2GET1 FREE
(Opa Locka) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
The pictures shows the 2 containers you will get so you can have an idea of size and color and quantity. You will also receive 3 lose stems of a mystery plant of my choosing for every order you place.
Flame Moss Stone Pad - Live Aquarium Water Plants Freshwater Tropical Fish Tank
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
● Rearing circumstance will influence the growth of your plants, either length or color. In order to like the new water, as for the water changing more one is good, probably will be. As for water qu...
Anacharis Elodea Densa Live Aquarium Plants Buy 1 Bunch As Pictured And Get 1
(Fischer) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
1 jumbo Water Lettuce, great for aquariums or ponds
(Duncannon) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
6 beautiful plants,Cryptocoryne Wendtii green Crypt Wendtii Live Aquarium Plants
(Porterville) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Get 6 beautiful plant with a beautiful green colors, Cryptocoryne Wendtii green Crypt Wendtii Live Aquarium Plants ✅ Shipped with USPS First Class. They come from the tank in picture #2
Cryptocoryne usteriana 'Green' Live Aquarium Plants **BUY 1 GET 1 at 50% OFF**
(Lebanon) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
CRYPTOCORYNE USTERIANA GREEN. Cryptocoryne usteriana green will grow into a large tall crypt. Can take to hard water and would be a good addition to try in an african cichlid tank. Light demand modera...
50 Water Lettuce Live Floating Aquarium Plants
(North Port) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This is normal. As the leaves spot and turn yellow, simply trim back the old leaves to allow the growth energy to go into the greener leaves. Growth is very slow in winter, but as the weather warms yo...
Live Aquarium Plant Xmas Moss on Black River Stone Nature or Wabi Kusa Aquarium
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Grows great in Wabi Kusa or Nature Aquarium setup. Christmas moss is a great looking, easy to grow moss. Will grow in both low-light and high-light aquariums.You will receive a black river stone betwe...
Amazon Frogbit 25 + extras Beautiful Green Pond Raised with free shipping
(Irmo) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Amazon Frogbit orLimnobium laevigatum is a floating aquatic plant common in ponds and aquariums. Amazon frogbit is easy to maintain and reproduce by giving them the proper light/nutrients. Beautiful G...
LUDWIGIA CUBA -Freshwater Aquatic Live Plants SUPER PRICE!!!!!!
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
You buy one bunch for ludwigia CUBA. Max height in the tank. Growth rate. not required.
(South Amboy) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Myriophyllum heterophyllum is commonly known as Two Leaf Water Milfoil or Red Foxtail. This plant has a beautiful green coloration, and is very delicate looking with its fine leaves. you buy one bunch...
Guppy Grass (Najas guadalupensis) Easy Fastest growing aquatic plant forBeginner
(Bay City) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hardness on a scale of 1-10 From 1 this plant can be thrown into a toilet and it will grow to a 10 it need everything to be perfect this plant is a 0.3 You CANT kill it! I have a 64 Square foot pond w...
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green 6 Pots Freshwater Aquarium Plant Low Light Easy Tank
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 6 Pots of Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). There are 150 more different species that have been collected for you. They ...
Eleocharis Vivipara Bundle Giant Hairgrass Freshwater Aquarium Live Tall Plant
(Monterey Park) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
This list : you will get 1 bundle of Eleocharis Vivipara(The first and second main picture are a sample of our plant). We strive to create the best quality of our aquarium goods. We place value in eve...
Duckweed (Lemna minor) High Quality Indoor Grown floating plants Fresh Water
(Spring Hill) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
All of my duckweed is grown indoors in my aquarium. Shrimp love to hang from the duckweed and also makes for a great hiding place for baby fry. Duckweed is one of smallest floating plants existed, and...
Tropica Plant Growth Premium Fertiliser 125ml for 1000L - Fertilizer food Flora
(Portland) - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Premium Fertiliser contains the most important nutrients for healthy and sustained aquarium plant growth. Premium Fertiliser does not however contain nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P). Premium Fertiliser...