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13 July |
crayfish lobster 3 To 5 inch tangerine peach freshwater P.Clarki. male
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Toms peach tangerine lobsters. Allow to float for one hour before release. Photos must be of unopened bag and clearly show loss. Photos must be taken in unopened bag within 1.5 hours of arrival. Float...
Wholesalekoifarm 50 Blue Channel Catfish 3" in size WE HAVE STOCK
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Wholesalekoifarm 75 Blue Channel Catfish 3" in size. Ictalurus furcatus. The Blue Channel catfish have a small, narrow head. Larger channel catfish lose the black spots and generally take on a blue-bl...
9+1 Crystal Black ( SS ) Caridina Live Shrimps
(Garden Grove)
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1x Gold Mystery Snail Freshwater live unsexed invertebrate aquatic
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Minimum tank size: 2.5 gallons per snail. Diet: Other than algae and biofilm, Mystery Snails also eat leftover fish/invertebrate flakes and pellets and blanched vegetables such as zucchini, kale, spin...
10 - Organic Live Red Wiggler Worms (Composting Worms - Eisenia fetida)
(Corpus Christi)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Our Red Wiggler Worms are raised. These Red Wiggler. Find better deals, and better products on our website year-round. Size of worms will be random. Worms can be used for feeding your pets safely and ...
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High-Grade Cherry Shrimp (USA Bred Neocaridina) 20+4
(Fort Pierce)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
High-Grade Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) famous for their deep red coloration and shining carapaces, which make them appear to be swimming gemstones, these bright red shrimp provide great color c...
6 Freshwater LIVE Aquatic Snail. Tanks Overpopulated!! Need To Rehome
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Freshwater LIVE Aquatic Snail ALGAE EATER Tanks Overpopulated!! Need To Rehome. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.I have TONS of these snails and they need homes! I have TOO MANY!! also message me if yo...
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hello my friends…. I have the rare albinaria caerulea again! 16 mm tall. Albinaria caerulea usually occurs in large numbers, however numbers can fall sharply if there are predators around such as bi...
16 Ramshorn snails assorted color young pink salmon red brown magenta random mix
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
They are my fishgeekutah endlers. Great for betta buddies as they clean up after them well. Planorbus Rubrum ramshorn snails. All snails vary by nature these were not minted or produced in a factory.
12+1 RamsHorn Snails Live Freshwater Aquarium Aquatic Snails. U.S. Shipped!
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
12+1 RamsHorn Snails Live Freshwater Aquarium Aquatic Snails. U.S. Shipped!. Shipped FAST & FREE with USPS Priority Mail!!! Great Clean-up Crew for aquariums and ponds! Very hardy & super low mainte...
9+1 PRL Caridina Live Shrimps ( s grade )
(Garden Grove)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
5 Baby Assassin Snails Live Freshwater Aquarium Pest Control 3/32” - 1/8”
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Opportunistic carnivores, the Assassin Snail feeds on both live prey and scavenged detritus. Otherwise, Clea helena is a peaceful community tank resident.
Eureka red cichlid 2.5 male
(Las Vegas)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
If you choose 2. We specialize in all strains of exotic guppies, freshwater fish, and high-quality fish food.
6 Pack Tiger/Red Onion Snails Nerite
(Las Vegas)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
You will Receive Six (6) Tiger/Red Onion Snail.
20+ Pink Ramshorn Snails Algae Cleaner US Hobbyist Bred
(Cherry Hill)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
20+ Pink Ramshorn Snails Algae Cleaner US Hobbyist Bred. These are juvenile snails. They can add color to your tank, help eat leftover food, or serve as live food for fish or reptiles. Bred in a Cherr...
20+1 Shrimps Combo Blue Velvet Shrimp | Splashy Fish
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
This makes these shrimp perfectly suitable for beginners looking to keep dwarf shrimp. They breed very quickly, forming a colony that works as a very effective cleaning crew and enhances any aquarium ...
Red Rili Shrimp - 8 pack
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Delay = No Problem! We do not do custom orders. We do not take special requests.
10 Baby Assassin Snails Live Freshwater Aquarium Pest Control 3/32” - 1/8”
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Assassin Snails are carnivorous and require nutrition in the form of Mysis Shrimp, freeze dried Brine Shrimp, or bloodworms. You will notice a drastic increase in their physical size in just a week of...
5 King Kong Freshwater Shrimp Neocardian Davidi, Thailand
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Each line has established traits with minimal variation and are products of da Vinci Aquatic Labs (r). Their resiliency and their bright color both have proven to be coveted traits. Best quality fresh...
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