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Los Angeles Pets & Animals

13 July
4+ Blue Ramshorn Snails + Free sample size calcium (Limited Time)! Aquarium Pet
(Piscataway)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ramshorn Snail added a natural look to your Aquarium, they don't eat your Aquarium Plants or harms anything. Ramshorn Snail are very easy to raise and breed, if they reach to 3~4 months old they will ...
10+1 Neon Yellow Shrimp - Yellow Golden Back - Neocaridina Live Shrimp
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Species: Shrimp. HAPPY SHRIMP KEEPING. LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED PARTNER IN YOUR SHRIMP HOBBY. Temperature 72 - 78. Once they are in your possessions, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Healthy and Active. We pro...
Blue/Gold/Chestnut/Magenta/Purple/Brown Mystery Snail Clutch. 100 - 200 Eggs
(White Marsh)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Each clutch will have between 100 - 200 eggs. My snails leave in separate aquariums, so there is no mix in colors. Surprise color from assorted parents. Whatever color you choose, all snails will be t...
Black Brittle Star MD Robbie's Corals Reef Safe
(Erie)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Black Fancy Tiger A/S (Caridina) Live Freshwater Shrimp (5 Shrimp)
(South El Monte)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Shrimp Count : 5.
Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium spinipes), Tank-Bred!
(Indianapolis)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories (Macrobrachium spinipes ) is a large. They are not quite shrimp, but not quite crayfish, yet they have many similarities to both. This species has noticeably long claws, and males have even longer cla...
LIVE Ghost Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (EXACT CRAY IN PICS) *read description*
(High Point)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Live Ghost Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (white, red, brown, orange). Sex: Male (underside shown in 5th pic).
10+1 Bloody Mary - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 10+1 Bloody Mary - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Sunkist Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Dream Blue Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquariu...
15 Periwinkle + 50 Nassarius Live Saltwater Snails Fish Tank Aquarium Filter
(Wilmington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Then it’s basically dump them in. The Nassarius Snail is a little snail with a big appetite. The Nassarius Snail is a small scavenger with an oval, spiral shell that resembles an olive pit. The Nass...
Random Package of Snails, Food, and MORE
(Woodstock)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories SNAILS- Mystery Snails (random colors), Brown or Red Leopard Ramshorns, Pink Ramshorns, Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Pond Snails, and the rare Dwarf Rabbit Snail. Feeling lucky?. One box can include up t...
Mexican Orange Dwarf Crayfish Florida Grown Three Pack Unsexed
(Riverview)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You will receive three crayfish. Live arrival guarentee. If you do receive a dead fish. Fish are doubled bag with plenty of room and water.
Frog Dazz Special 100 Live small Tree frog Tadpoles free plants and food
(Naples)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Frog Dazz Special. 100 Live small Tree frog Tadpoles. A tadpoles job in life is to eat and grow. Feeders or Bug eaters & free plants. Tadpole, Milliped, Snail, Turtle and Fish Food Pre Spring Special ...
30 + extras Fire/Sakura Red freshwater neocaridina shrimp - USA seller
(Los Gatos)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories All are very hardy and do well in a wide variety of tank conditions. 3 "Extras" will be provided to in case of DOA. 30Fire/Sakura Red Shrimp for sale.
10+1 Fire Red Cherry - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 10+1 Fire Red - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Species: Shrimp. LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED PARTNER IN YOUR SHRIMP HOBBY. HAPPY SHRIMP KEEPING. Temperature 72 - 78. Water Type: Fresh. Water Temper...
8+2 Adult Neocaridina Candy Skittle Live Shrimp Mixed Colors Aquarium with FOOD
(Concord)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 8+ 2bonus (to cover DOA) 10TOTAL ADULT SKITTLE CANDY COLOR SHRIMP + FREE SMALL PLANT. 8 Skittle Candy Color Shrimp plus 2 extra Shrimp in the case of DOA. Feeding your Shrimp is easy. Like many omnivo...
10 +1 Ultra Blue Dream - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 10 +1 Ultra Blue Dream - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Species: Shrimp. LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED PARTNER IN YOUR SHRIMP HOBBY. HAPPY SHRIMP KEEPING. Temperature 72 - 78. PK-88 Live Betta Fish ...
8+2 Adult Neocaridina Candy Skittle Live Shrimp Mixed Colors Aquarium
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 8 + 2 BONUS (to cover DOA) 10 TOTAL ADULT SKITTLE CANDY COLOR SHRIMP You'll receive 8 Skittle Candy Color Shrimp  plus 2 extra Shrimp in the case of DOA**Please note this is random pick from us ** Yo...
8+Pink/Red/Blu leopard/Mix color Ramshorn Snails With 2 TYPE Free Floating Plant
(Concord)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ramshorn snails are also very good at cleaning algae in aquariums. These will easily breed in captivity and can be pretty prolific. They are great at cleaning algae in ponds also. About Blue Ramshorn ...
10+1 Crystal Red Shrimp CRS (Mixed Grade S-SSS) - Live Guarantee - USA Stock
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Species: Shrimp. LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED PARTNER IN YOUR SHRIMP HOBBY. HAPPY SHRIMP KEEPING. Mixed Grade/Pattern ( S-SSS). Temperature 70 - 77. Water Temperature: 68-78F. Water Type: Fresh. TDS 90 - 15...
LIVE LAND OR GARDEN SNAILS - Medium, Large, Extra Large, or Jumbo  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Land Snails/Brown Garden Snails, also known as Helix Aspersa or Cornu Aspersum. These snails range from six months old to two years old. The average lifespan is about five to seven years in the wild.