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Los Angeles Pets & Animals

13 July
4 Magenta Mystery Snails Live Freshwater Snail
(Roseville)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 4 Magenta Mystery Snails (Pomacea Bridgesii) Live Freshwater Snail. Snails are pea to quarter size. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail on Monday’s.
(Athens)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Tadpoles help keep water clear by eating the algae. Can be kept outside in ponds or inside in aquariums. Educational for kids to watch grow. Easy to raise.
10 Live Freshwater Clams: Perfect For Aquariums And koi ponds / Algae Control
(Beaver Dam)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ten Live Freshwater Clams: Perfect For Aquariums And Koi Ponds. They help prevent noxious gasses from building up in sand and gravel aquariums. They help filter and remove algae from tanks unlike anyt...
ONE LIVE LAND OR GARDEN SNAIL,Cute educational Healthy Pet
(San Mateo)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Your snails may arrive and appear dead or asleep; if they are inactive, simply run it under tap water for 30 seconds. then let is sit on a plate with a tiny bit of water, enough water to let the belly...
20 +2 RED RILI - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 20 +2 RED RILI - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20 +2 ORANGE RILI- Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Orange Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10 +1 ORANGE RILI- Freshw...
Three Live Freshwater Clams: Perfect For Aquariums And Ponds
(Avon Park)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You are buying clams from the fresh lakes of Central Florida for use in your freshwater aquariums or ponds. Each order is for 3 clams. They help prevent noxious gasses from building up in sand and gra...
Amano Shrimps , Algae Eating Shrimp - Live Aquarium Shrimp by Htownguppy
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories The Amano Shrimp is generally easy to feed. It is often referred to not as "Amano Shrimp" but more commonly as "Algae Eating Shrimp". Caridina Multidentata have a reputation for being amazing aquarium...
Orange Eye Blue Tiger - OEBT (5) HOMEBRED not Fresh Imports
(Canton)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You will receive 5 juvi 1/4-1/2 Orange Eye Blue Tiger - OEBT (5) HOMEBRED not Fresh Imports. Shipped with USPS Priority insulated box. I ship Saturday and Monday that way the shrimp won’t be in tran...
5+1 HIGH GRADE Green Jade Shrimps Aquarium Shrimp_Neocaridina_Shrimpy Business
(Marysville)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories These Green jades have a dark green color and will be gorgeous in any aquarium especially a planted tank.
20 +2 SUNKIST - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 20 +2 SUNKIST - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Sunkist Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Sunkist Orange - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10+1 Sun...
5+1 Fire Red Cherry & 5+1 Snow Ball Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 20 +2 SNOWBALL - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10 +1 SNOWBALL - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Snow Ball White Pearl Shrimp - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10+1 Snow ...
Whisker Shrimp Live Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tank
(Ruskin)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories This is aSAMPLE photo of shrimp available not an exact photo of the shrimp you will receive. Living Artwork Fish Farms is a leading supplier of the highest quality and healthiest Tropical Fish, Koi, a...
15 Live Bladder (Pond) Snails, great algae eaters or food for Molluscivores
(Glenside)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Some call these snails pest, but I call them useful.  They skate around the tank 24/7 eating fish waste, algae, and dead plant matter, making them a great addition to any freshwater aquarium cleaning...
5+1 Blue Dream & 5+1 Green Jade Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Dream Blue Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Sunkist Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Snow Ball White Pearl Shrimp - Freshwater Ne...
Live Red Claw Mangrove Crab *Freshwater Aquarium Crustacean* (PLS READ DESCR)
(Fullerton)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Red Claw Crab Facts - Red claw crabs are native to the Indo-Pacific region (from Zanzibar to Japan). - They may grow up to 10cm and live up to 2 years! - Crabs are scavenger omnivores that enjoy eatin...
X3 baby Amano Shrimp - Fish Live Shrimp
(Fullerton)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 3 Small Amano Shrimp - Fish Live Shrimp. Shipped with USPS First Class.
10+1 Fire Red Cherry - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 10+1 Fire Red Cherry - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Dream Blue Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Sunkist Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aqu...
20 +2 Blue Velvet - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 20 +2 Blue Velvet - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Dream Blue Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Snow Ball White Pearl Shrimp - Freshwater Neocaridina Aqua...
100 Live Freshwater Olive Nerite Snails Eats lots of algae great cleaners
(Brandon)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Nerite Snails will not reproduce in fresh water. Because Nerites need brackish water to reproduce successfully, they will not take over a fresh water tank like many other snails do. This is one of the...
100 Nassarius Saltwater Live Snails Fish Tank Aquarium Sump Algae Cleaners
(Wilmington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You will receive 100 Nassarius live snails for Saltwater Aquarium fish tank and sump use. Plus a few extra in case of any loss during shipping. They ship very well regardless of weather conditions and...