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Los Angeles Pets & Animals

13 July
3 Gold Mystery Snails (Pomacea Bridgesii) Live Freshwater Snail - Plants
(Newark)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 3 Gold Mystery Snails (Pomacea Bridgesii). Most Pomacea Bridgesii arecaptive-bred, as they are quite easy to breed. We will get back to you after we've successfully examined the snail. Upon receiving ...
10+2 Red Cherry Shrimp Neocaridina (Home Bred Colony)
(San Jose)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 10+2 Red cherry shrimp up for sale!
Crystal Red Shrimp 1+ Freshwater Caridina Dwarf Shrimp CRS Bee S+ Grade
(Sherman)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Crystal Red Shrimp - CRS Caridina Shrimp. -These CRS Shrimp are grade S+, having an even amount of red and opaque white banding on their bodies. Crystal Red Shrimp are a specific variety of Bee Shrimp...
5+1 Taiwan Bee Blue Bolt Shrimp _USA Bred_Caridina Shrimp_Shrimpy Business
(Marysville)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Active Substrate: Fluval Shrimp Stratum. A mid grade blue bolt will have more blue on its body. TDS: 90-110.
BULK PURCHASE DISCOUNT! 40 Live Freshwater Clams: Perfect For Aquariums or Ponds
(Avon Park)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 40 Live Freshwater Clams: Perfect For Aquariums And Ponds. You are buying clams from the fresh lakes of Central Florida for use in your freshwater aquariums or ponds. Each order is for 40 clams.
12+Red/Blue/brown leopard/Mix color Ramshorn Snails +2 types FREE Floating Plant
(Kyle)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You will receive 12+Red/Blue/brown leopard/Mix color Ramshorn Snails + 2 types FREE Floating Plant. 3 amazon frogbit and 3 hornwart plants. Shipped with USPS First Class.
Lovely 6+1 Extra Blue Bolt Shrimp ( S - SS Grade ) Caridina
(Sunnyvale)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Size: Roughly 1/3" ~ 1/2" in Length. Tank Size : 5 gallons. TDS : 90 ~ 110.
5+ Pink Ramshorn Snail for Aquarium or Pond, Algae Eating .SHIP DAILY!
(Piscataway)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ramshorn Snail added a natural look to your Aquarium, they don't eat your Aquarium Plants or harms anything. Ramshorn Snail are very easy to raise and breed, if they reach to 3~4 months old they will ...
10 Assorted Trapdoor Snails 3 Large, 3 Medium, 4 Small Guaranteed Live
(Lexington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories We do this to make sure they don't sit over the weekend. We will hold orders until you are finished buying.
100% Natural Fish Health Product for Aquariums and Ponds 4 oz Bottle
(New York)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Supratect is an easy to use veterinary health product made entirely from plant material that supports healthy fish and fish eggs. Supratect is a non-toxic natural product that has no adverse effects o...
Assassin Snails (Clea helena)
(Indianapolis)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories They eat all other types of snails that are their size or smaller, but they will not harm snails that are larger (such as Mystery Snails, Giant Sulawesi Snails, and larger Nerite Snails). They would m...
28 TRUE Blue Ramshorn Snails
(La Mesa)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Blue if you squint really hard. offspring will be blue. Now, even if you do mix them with other color. varieties, many of their offspring will also be blue. you do not mix them with other color variet...
Live ramshorn snails freshwater (13+2)
(Schuylkill Haven)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories
20+2 Red Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 20+2 Red Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Species: Shrimp. LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED PARTNER IN YOUR SHRIMP HOBBY. HAPPY SHRIMP KEEPING. Temperature 72 - 78. Healthy and Active. PK-72 Live ...
8+ Random color Ramshorn Snails Baby Juvenile size Pink Blue Leopard Brown LIVE
(Mount Airy)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ramshorn snails have been bred for the aquarium trade and various color forms have been selected. One species (Columbia ramshorn, Marisa cornuarietis) is from a totally different family, the Ampullari...
20+2 Bloody Mary - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 20+2 Bloody Mary - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Sunkist Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Dream Blue Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquariu...
Golden Eye Vampire Crab (Geosesarma bicolor)
(Indianapolis)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories (Geosesarma bicolor ) is a small, very colorful, semi-terrestrial species that is native to Java, Indonesia. It inhabits forest areas near streams, rivers, and ponds. It is communal with its own speci...
Crystal Black Shrimps Grade S+ (Caridina) Live Freshwater Shrimp - (10 Shrimp)
(South El Monte)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Shrimp Count : 10.
1+ Live Red Cherry Shrimp, Neocardina Plus Moss (Read Description) LOCAL ONLY
(El Monte)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 1 Live Red Cherry Shrimp, Neocardina for $1 each plus free Moss. LOCAL PICK UP ONLY Please direct message me prior to purchasing. You will need to bring your own bucket. There will be a mix of male...
20 +2 Neon Golden Back - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
(Richmond)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 20 +2 Neon Golden Back - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Snow Ball White Pearl Shrimp - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10+1 Snow Ball White Pearl Shrimp - Freshwater Neocaridina ...