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13 July |
5+1 Extreme Black King Kong Shrimp_Taiwan Bee Shrimp_Caridina_Shrimpy Business
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Active Substrate: Fluval Shrimp Stratum / Brightwell. TDS: 90-110.
40 Live Freshwater Clams: Perfect For Aquariums And koi ponds / Algae Control
(Beaver Dam)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
40 Live Freshwater Clams: Perfect For Aquariums And Koi Ponds. They help prevent noxious gasses from building up in sand and gravel aquariums. They help filter and remove algae from tanks unlike anyth...
Three-Color Thorn/Horn Nerite Snail (Clithon corona/diadema)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
The Three-Color Thorn/Horn Nerite Snail ( Clithon corona/diadema ) is an increasingly popular nerite snail that is native to East and Southeast Asia. This peaceful snail has a highly variable range of...
X10 Live Bladder/Pond Snails {Mixed size} Cleaner Easy Aquarium Feeder Algae
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
8 + 2 extras Sakura Red freshwater neocaridina shrimp Cherry Shrimp RCS
(Carson City)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Low grade cherry shrimp for beginners, Juvenile size. Very easy to breed.
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SUMMER $10 SALE 20 small live tadpoles food & free plants feeders or bug eaters
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
These will make great cleaners or feeders. These will be small tads.
ReefNation El Donald Hairy Milli
(Saint Charles)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Water Chemistry : Alkalinty- 7.5-8, Magnesium 1290-1350, Salinity- 3...
20+ Freshwater Malaysian Trumpet Snails Shells 1/2" to 1" MTS Feeder Snails
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Food Sources: Malaysian Trumpet Snails like left-overs including uneaten fish food, fish flakes, bottom feeder tablets, pellets, and algae wafers. They also enjoy all sorts of debris, detritus and sof...
40 + extras Fire/Sakura Red freshwater neocaridina shrimp - USA seller
(Los Gatos)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
All are very hardy and do well in a wide variety of tank conditions. "Extras" will be provided to in case of DOA. 40 + extrasFire/Sakura Red Shrimp for sale.
1/2" - 5/8" Dubia Roaches 25 ct. cup- medium feeder insects - FREE Shipping Duba
(Eben Junction)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Large dubias are favorite treats for bearded dragons and other lizards, as well as larger frogs, tarantulas, and other exotic pets. These tiny dubia nymphs are eagerly snapped up by small lizards such...
Vivid's Rainbow Delight
(Saint Charles)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Pictures : Mother colony or typical frag size shown in picture. Wate...
9+ Live pond snails (Bladder/Tadpole snails) for aquarium and pond. FREE SHIP
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
For sale are "9+ Live pond snails (Bladder/Tadpole snails) for aquarium and pond.
1000 Nassarius Live Saltwater Snails Fish Tank Aquarium Filter Sump Cleaner
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
1000 Nassarius Live healthy Ready to clean your tank and sump snails. Plus a few extra just in case of a loss. Acclimation is as easy as it gets, put them in some tank water for a few minutes and even...
10+1 Snow Ball - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
10+1 Snow Ball - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20 +2 SNOWBALL - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10 +1 SNOWBALL - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Snow Ball White Pearl Sh...
Neocaridina Red 'cherry' 12+2 & free item
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
12+2 neocaridina red ‘cherry’ shrimp, born & raised in my fishroom, and of superb quality. Fancy Ramshorns: red, blue, pink. It’s a lot more water than a bag with only a couple ounces of water. ...
10+ JUVENILE Pink Ramshorn Snails Easy Aquarium Color Algae Cleaners Rams Pet
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Ten+ Juvenile Pink Ramshorn Snails. Easy Fun Color & Algae Cleaners For Your Nano Tank. Ramshorn snails will breed in freshwater, so if you are overfeeding, expect that you'll have quite a few generat...
5+1 Amano Algae Eater & 5+1 Blue Dream Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Dream Blue Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 5+1 Fire Red & 5+1 Sunkist Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Snow Ball White Pearl Shrimp - Freshwater Ne...
10 + 2 Carbon Rili freshwater neocaridina shrimp - USA Seller
(Santa Clara)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
All are very hardy and do well in a wide variety of tank conditions. 10 + 2Carbon Rili shrimp for sale.
(75+) Ramshorn Snails Total - Mixed Sizes and Colors - Fish Tank Snails
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
10+2 Blue Velvet Neocaridina Dwarf Shrimp - Live Aquarium Shrimp - USA Bred!!
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
You're purchasing 10 live shrimp, but I'll include 2 extras (excluded from DOA policy) to cover any casualties during travel (rare). Shrimp in attached images are from the colony the shrimp will be br...