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Los Angeles Pets & Animals

13 July
3+1 Mystery Snails. Gold/Wild/Jade + free aquarium plant!
(Coalmont)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 3+1 Mystery Snails. Gold/Wild/Jade plus free Java Fern clipping or Frogbit!
Lineaged Colorado Sunburst Anemone
(Gig Harbor)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Lineaged Colorado Sunburst Anemone. Shipped with USPS First Class Package. These anemones were originally bought by me from Ryan Shlenker who got them from Corey Lo. Corey Lo originally got his from E...
25 Live Saltwater Periwinkle Snails For Aquarium Fish Tank Filter Algae Detritus
(Wilmington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 25 Live Saltwater Periwinkle Snails plus a few extra to cover any loss, For Aquarium Fish Tank Filter Algae Detritus. The common periwinkle, related to limpets, whelks, and other marine snails is A si...
3 LARGE Mystery Snails ( multiple colors) Live Freshwater Snail
(Lamont)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 3 LARGE Mystery Snails (Pomacea Bridgesii) Multiple Colors Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.
10 Random Color Ramshorn Snails Sm, Med, mix. Aquarium Pond Algae Fresh Water
(Nichols)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 10 Random Color Ramshorn Snails Blue / Pink / Mixed Colors! Sm, Med, mix. Aquarium Pond Algae FreshWater. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope.
10 +1 Golden Yellow Neo Shrimp Neos Live Aquarium Shrimp Neocaridina Homebred
(Irvine)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP. The different color variants of cherry shrimp (all of the Neocaridina genus) can and will interbreed with each other giving unpredictable results. I've found it best to keep them i...
5 LIVE Japanese Trapdoor Snails algae eater clean up crew pond aquarium Large sz
(San Jose)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 5 LIVE Japanese Trapdoor Freshwater Snails - pond aquarium - LARGE Size. Qty: 5 snails. - great for pond or aquarium.
(Fresh Meadows)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories USA REEF AQUATICS - ULTRA ROCK FLOWER ANEMONE. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail Express.
20 Calcium blocks / freshwater aquarium Snail /pet Land Snail/shrimp /crab/clam
(Gardner)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories This listing is for 20 slow dissolving calcium blocks. Can be used in any aquarium where extra calcium is needed,  they will eat some and the rest dissolves into the water column to be absorbed. It a...
100 +20 Hawaiian Red Shrimp Opae Ula Halocaridina Rubra Volcano Shrimp + Food
(Irvine)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Opae Ula Feeding on an Algae Wafer - YouTube. 120+ OPAE ULA. 100 Opae Ula + 20 more to cover any DOA's. These Opae Ula you see pictured are of my actual shrimp from my tanks. You will receive 100+ a f...
30+2 Tangerine Tiger Caridina Live Shrimp
(Sacramento)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Size from 0.7 - 1.2 cm.
10 mystery snails +1 Assorted Colors
(Salt Lake City)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 10 mystery snails +1 Assorted Colors.
(Farmington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories They eat soft algae and excess food. Snails will most likely arrive closed and may need to acclimate before moving around. Extras are included in case of any DOAs.
Olive Nerite Snails Algae Eaters Beginner KoiKompanion Free Shipping
(Ruskin)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories For full item description.
20 + extras Orange Sakura freshwater neocaridina shrimp - USA seller
(Los Gatos)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories All are very hardy and do well in a wide variety of tank conditions. "Extras" will be provided to in case of DOA. 20 + extrasOrange Sakura Shrimp for sale.
Pink Ramshorn Snails Various Shades of Pink! Tank Bred. FREE SHIPPING
(Whittier)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ramshorn Snails can be an interesting and colorful addition to any aerated tank of their own, a garden/planted tank, community tank and can also be an excellent match for species tanks as well, like s...
5 Nassarius and 5 periwinkle Saltwater Snails Fish Tank Aquarium Filter Sump
(Wilmington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Then it’s basically dump them in. The Nassarius Snail is a little snail with a big appetite. The Nassarius Snail is a small scavenger with an oval, spiral shell that resembles an olive pit. The Nass...
Live Cold Hardy Freshwater Clams Mussels for bio filter beta aquarium koi pond
(Laurel)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You are buying Cold hardy Asiatic golden clam/mussel Corbicula fluminea for freshwater bio filter aquarium water or pond. These freshwater clams and mussels are very cold hardy. You can leave them dur...
5+1 Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp _Aquarium Shrimp_Neocaridina_Shrimpy Business
(Marysville)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories
Mother of Pearl
(Saint Charles)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Pictures : Mother colony or typical frag size shown in picture. Size : You will receive a. 5-2" piece of this coral. If this is a zoa or softy, we will get you 1-10 heads depending on largest availabl...