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13 July |
Striped Mystery Snail
(Lake Orion)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Striped Mystery Snail. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail Large Flat Rate Box.
LIVE Ghost Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (EXACT CRAY IN PICS) *read description*
(High Point)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Live Ghost Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (white, red, brown, orange). Sex: Female (underside shown in 5th pic).
WWC Yellow Tips
(Saint Charles)
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We appreciate it! Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Water Chemistry : Alkalinty- 7.5-8, Magnesium 1290...
10 + 2 Blue Dream Shrimp Neocaridinia Tank Raised
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
The shrimp you will receive are ~ 2-4 months old, ~1/2". 10 to 12 shrimp is a good number to start your own colony. Top Color, tank raised, disease free, no imports. Blue Dreams are a gorgeous Neocari...
Four Ivory Mystery Snails (4, LIVE) - FREE SHIPPING!
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Calcium-rich water, proper pH and lower temperatures also allow for beautiful, strong shell growth. They’ve also been enjoying blanched veggies. Mystery Snails are beginner-friendly. They are peacef...
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Batik Crabs
(Blue Springs)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
In nature, the Marble Batik Crab lives in leaf litter and vegetation. In the paludarium, it requires ample land area. Like most crabs, it needs plenty of cover, especially when molting, so lots of dec...
350 Mississippi Grass Shrimp (Palaemonetes kadiakensis, ghost shrimp)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
All other grass shrimp and ghost shrimp species are either brackish water species or not sufficiently cold hardy.
20 +2 AMANO ALGAE EATER - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
20 +2 AMANO ALGAE EATER - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Species: Shrimp. LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED PARTNER IN YOUR SHRIMP HOBBY. HAPPY SHRIMP KEEPING. Temperature 72 - 78. Healthy and Active. O...
10 +1 Green Jade Neo Shrimp Live Aquarium Shrimp Neocaridina Neos Homebred
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
10+ 1 GREEN JADE NEOCARIDINA SHRIMP. The different color variants of cherry shrimp (all of the Neocaridina genus) can and will interbreed with each other giving unpredictable results. I've found it be...
3 white Crayfish juveniles
(San Lorenzo)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
3 White Spectre Crayfish. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Unsexed juvenile crayfish. Sorry i cant ship these to the Hawaiian islands, Michigan or Wisconsin do to state law. Doa policy is you must...
3/5/10/20X Zebra Nerite Snails Algae Eaters Beginner KoiKompanion Free Shipping
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
For full item description.
Malaysian Trumpet snail 25 Cents Each For A Total Of 20 For $5.00 + 5 Free = 25
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Malaysian Trumpet snail (25 cents each for a total of 20) +5 Free for $5.00 + shipping . Shipped with USPS.
75 Nassarius Live Saltwater Snails Fish Tank Aquarium Filter Sump Cleaner
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
You will receive 75 Nassarius Live healthy Ready to clean your tank and sump snails. Plus a few extra just in case of a loss. Acclimation is as easy as it gets, put them in some tank water for a few m...
Black Rili (Neocaridina Davidi) Live Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp - (10 Shrimp)
(South El Monte)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Shrimp Characteristic: Black Rili have black head and tail with white middle. Shrimp Count :5.
LIVE Brown Clarkii Crayfish SEXED PAIR (EXACT CRAY IN PICS) **read description**
(High Point)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
LIVE Brown Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish Sexed Pair. Sex: 1 Male & 1 Female (Male shown in pics 4,5,6; Female shown in pics 7,8,9).
Healthy Brown Ramshorn Snails! 5 Pc. Fast Free Shipping!! Live Aquatic Snails
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Healthy Brown Ramshorn Snails! Ramshorn Snails are totally safe with aquarium plants and wipe off aquarium glass, aquarium decor, and aquarium substrate. It makes a great addition to a tetra community...
20+2 Black Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
20+2 Black Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Blue Carbon Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10+1 Blue Carbon Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10+1 Black Ril...
20+2 Blue Carbon Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Live Guarantee
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
20+2 Blue Carbon Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 10+1 Blue Carbon Rili - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20 +2 ORANGE RILI- Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. 20+2 Orange R...
(New York)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
LIVE LAND OR GARDEN SNAILS - 5 Babies. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Please note I am not responsible for any deceased snailsSnail in photo is a mature snail. I am selling babies
22+ 4 lve mixed colors Neocaridina freshwater shrimps!!!!!!!
(Stone Mountain)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
I raised them as a hobby. They keep breeding. They will be mixed in colors and sizes when you received them. I will make sure you will get at least 4 different colors. TDS 120 - 150. gH 25 - 75.