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13 July |
1000 Amphipods + Copepods 32oz (8000 Pods) Tisbe + 4 other types Live Fish Food
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Food for fish like Mandarin Goby, better than Tisbe Copepods. We have the best Chaeto macro algae, Copepods like Tisbe,Tigger Pods and 6 other types, feeder shrimp and many more. Our Aquacultured Salt...
Bloody Mary (Neocaridina Davidi) Live Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp - (5 Shrimp)
(South El Monte)
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Shrimp Count :5.
5 Orange Rili Live Aquarium Shrimp Neocaridina by SoShrimp
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20+ Live Guaranteed Ramshorn Snails 1/8"-1/2" Puffer Loach Pond Aquarium algae
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Apple snails and Assassin snails will also prey upon Ramshorn snails.
300 Amphipods Live Pods Saltwater.Clean Amphipod Culture for Sale Free Shipping.
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Food for fish like Mandarin Goby, better than Tisbe Copepods. Our Amphipods have been cultured in captivity in our nursery for the past 15 years in recirculating fish less systems.
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10(+2 DOA) Blue Dream Velvet Shrimp, High Quality Adult Shrimp.
(Hacienda Heights)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
10 (DOA +2) Blue Velvet Shrimp. The water in the tank must be stabilized before the shrimp is placed in the tank. Neocaridina shrimp. Item is located in Hacienda heights, CA 91745. Adult Size (0.5"~1"...
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
The Japanese Trapdoor Snail (A.K.A. Japanese Mystery Snail, Japanese Trapdoor Pond Snail, or the Japanese Algae Eating Pond Snail.). is a fully aquatic, freshwater, live-bearing variety of snail belon...
10 +2 Pure Red Line Crystal Red Shrimp PRL CRS Caridina HOMEBRED
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Hence, their stronger coloration. 10+ 2 PRL CRS. Pure Red Line shrimp is a highly selectively bred Crystal Red shrimp that will never produce a Golden Bee offspring and will never produce different co...
10 Red Rili Live Aquarium Shrimp Neocaridina by SoShrimp
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5 S+ CBS Crystal Black Shrimp Live Aquarium Shrimp by SoShrimp
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Size: 1/4" - 1/2", juvenile shrimp. Temperature 72 – 78F.
5 Blue Cherry Neocaridina Shrimp (Kids & Adults) Colorado Local Pickup Only
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Feeding your Shrimp is easy. Like many omnivores, they love variety. You will receive 5 Blue Cherry Red Neo Shrimp. These are freshwater Shrimp that are incredibly peaceful and renowned for their alga...
Electric blue crayfish 1/2" to 6inches big all same price.
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Electric blue crayfish. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. All sizes available i will also cut deals if buy more than one, great addition to any aquarium they clean and are fun to watch. There very hard...
15 Pink Ramshorn Snails
(Flower Mound)
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Snails may have more or less coloration than the ones pictured. Even if you miss DOA deadlines, we try our best to work with you.
55+ bristle worms For Marine Saltwater Aquariums Excellent Reef Janitors
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Though unsightly to most, these little guys are to saltwater ecosystems what earthworms are for a healthy garden. Most successful reefs, whether wild or captive contain a good colony of these worms.
Jason Fox Red Hot Setosa
(Saint Charles)
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Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Size : You will receive a. 5-2" piece of this coral. If this is a zo...
High Grade Carbon Rili Shrimp_Neocaridina_Aquarium Shrimp_Shrimpy Business
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Carbon RIli is a black shrimp that has a clear midsection.
Freshwater Mystery Snails in a Unique Lemon Pearl Color!
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Thiscombination of foods allows for our snails to grow the finest colors and thethickest shells, to provide you with the best snails that you can find! You will find the mostunique colors and variatio...
10+ Brackish Water Malaysian Trumpet Snails White & Black Shells 1/2" to 3/4"Â
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
These Malaysian Trumpet Snails have been set up in my Hawaiian red shrimp tank commonly know as Opae Ula. About 1/2" to 1" in size. These can easily be put in fresh water but are currently in a bracki...
Albino/Magenta Mystery 3 or 5 or 10 Snails (Pomacea bridgesii) Live Snails
(South Amboy)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Most people will buy snails, such as Nerite snails, to clean the glass and rocks of algae. No matter what level of experience, any community tank will benefit from these Gastropods. Ablino/magenta mys...
25 Pink Pearl Ramshorn Snails For Pond Aquarium (Algae Cleaner) Local Colorado
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
You will receive 25 Pink Pearl Ramshorn Snails Ramshorn snails are very good at cleaning algae in aquariums. These will easily breed in captivity and can be pretty prolific. They are great at cleaning...