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Los Angeles Pets & Animals

13 July
20+ Brackish Water Malaysian Trumpet Snails Shells 1/2" to 1" MTS Feeder Snails
(Irvine)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories These Malaysian Trumpet Snails have been set up in my Hawaiian red shrimp tank commonly know as Opae Ula. About 1/2" to 1" in size. These can easily be put in fresh water but are currently in a bracki...
Triops Pet Eggs Packet &/or Instant Life Sea Monkey Kit Prehistoric Creatures
(Kankakee)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Begin hatching these dinosaur-era creatures by adding 100 ml of water and 3 spoons of nutrient to a clear cup, tray or tank. You will soon be utterly amazed by their aquabatics. Sea Monkey Instant Lif...
100 Small Trapdoor Snails Great for Ponds or Aquariums Guaranteed Live
(Lexington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories We do this to make sure they don't sit over the weekend. I-DEAL Components. We will hold orders until you are finished buying.
tadpoles live all sizes and maturity 
(Newcastle)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories tadpoles live all sizes and maturity. Local pickup only.  Newcastle OK
LIVE Brown Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (EXACT CRAY IN PICS) *read description*
(High Point)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Live Brown Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish. Sex: Male (underside shown in 5th pic).
Blue Ramshorn Snails (plant safe)algae eaters A+ quality
(Niceville)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ramshorn snails can be good tank cleaners. They eat algae and dead or dying plants generally, so they can be useful. In warm climates (such as those in mainland Australia or the southern United States...
DELUXE Primary Colors Dwarf Shrimp Combo Pack (Painted Fire Red, Golden Back Yel
(Indianapolis)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Includes 5 Painted Fire Red Cherry Shrimp. 5 Golden Back Yellow Shrimp, and 5 Dream Blue Velvet Shrimp! Step up to the high-grade shrimp scene! Both colors are vibrant and beautiful and stand out fant...
10 Fire Red Cherry Shrimp - Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp. Bloody Mary
(Milwaukee)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories We will require you to send us CLEAR photos of your shrimp that are dead. They DO NOT require a heater.
15+1 pcs Amano Shrimp Algae Eating Shrimp Free Fedex Overnight for west
(San Jose)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Shrimp size: 1.5 ~ 2.8 cm. Shrimp sexuality: Young Adults. In the unlikely event that your shrimp/fish arrive dead you must at least take one digital photo of the dead animal still in the original, un...
5 Taiwan Bee Wine Red Panda Shrimp by SoShrimp
(Brooklyn)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Size: 1/4" - 1/2", juvenile shrimp.
Gold Mystery 3 or 5 or 10 Snails (Pomacea bridgesii) Live Snails
(South Amboy)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Most people will buy snails, such as Nerite snails, to clean the glass and rocks of algae. No matter what level of experience, any community tank will benefit from these Gastropods. GOLD mystery snail...
2 Live Adult Dwarf Cajun Crawfish, FREE SHIPPING+Berried Cambarellus shufeldtii
(Monroe)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Typically these berried females are only 1/2" to 1" long max. Dwarf Cajun Crayfish is the only species that can be trusted to live reasonably peacefully with small fish and shrimp, and to not tear up ...
250 Nassarius Live Saltwater Snails Fish Tank Aquarium Filter Sump Cleaner
(Wilmington)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 250 Nassarius Live healthy Ready to clean your tank and sump snails. Plus a few extra just in case of a loss. Acclimation is as easy as it gets, put them in some tank water for a few minutes and event...
20+2 Fire Red Cherry Shrimp Freshwater Neocaridina Aquarium Shrimp (tankbred)
(Carmel)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Their vibrant red color will be a beautiful addition to your tank, while their hunger for algae and organic debris makes them a vital aquarium cleanup crew. Red Cherry Shrimp are perfect for community...
seed shrimps (ostracods) sample with maybe some cyclops. - science project
(San Francisco)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories They can also be seen with the naked eye, but it's only a small swimming dot. These are fresh water! If you're a school teacher, consider this and also snails for your lab project. (these will most pr...
5 Taiwan Bee Black King Kong Shrimp by SoShrimp
(Brooklyn)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Size: 1/4" - 1/2", juvenile shrimp.
(South Amboy)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Marbled crayfish are the only known decapod crustaceans to reproduce only by being clones (parthenogenesis), each is a copy of its mother, each daughter will eventually produce a clutch of eggs. Eggs ...
18 Live Malaysian Trumpet Snails! Small! Algae Eaters! Great Cleaning Crew!
(Midvale)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Contrary to common opinion, Malaysian Trumpet snails are NOT hermaphrodite (where each individual has both male and female organs). Malaysian Trumpet snails are gonochoric (either male or female). The...
10 white Snow Ball Shrimps; Juveniles & adults, fish tank, koi pond
(Sacramento)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You will receive a mixture of males and females. Under favorable conditions these shrimp will breed and form their own colony in your tank. Seven is a good number to start a breeding colony. This is b...
250 Amphipods Aquacultured Saltwater Amphipods by RUSALTY Live Fish Food Pods
(Okeechobee)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Our Aquacultured Saltwater Amphipods have been grown in our coral nursery for the past 15 years in recirculating fish less systems. Amphipods serve many purposes in the Saltwater Aquarium Reef Tank.