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Los Angeles Pets & Animals

13 July
30+ SMALL Pond Snails Bladder Snails Puffer Food Free Shipping
(Irvine)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 30+ SMALL Freshwater Pond Snails Bladder Snails. THE SNAILS WILL DIE IF LEFT IN THE COLD OR HEAT. PICTURES ARE OF MY ACTUAL SNAILS. About 1/4". I always include extra snails with all orders. Snails wi...
ORA Purple Plasma
(Saint Charles)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories We appreciate it! Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Water Chemistry : Alkalinty- 7.5-8, Magnesium 1290...
Choco shrimp
(Pasco)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Choco neocaridina shrimp. These are a beautiful shrimp! They're color ranges from a dark brown to almost black! We strongly suggest drip acclimation when introducing your new shrimp into your establis...
Cubaris Sp. Murina 'Papaya' 6+1 Isopods
(Bronx)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Cubaris Sp. Murina 'Papaya' 6+1 Isopods. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box. No LAG during the winter months. Please be cautious of your weather before buying. Lag included with expr...
Premium Nassarius Vibex (10Ă—)
(Boca Raton)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Orders placed at these temperatures may have DOAs and will not be replaced.
(Hialeah)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 5 ZEBRA NERITE SNAIL freshwater snail FREE SHIPPING. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.
10+ Live Blue Rili Shrimp | Neocaridina | Juvenile | Good&Culls
(Metuchen)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories YOU WILL RECEIVE ATLEAST 10 NEOCARIDIAN SHRIMP. These shrimp are good in at least a 1 gallon aquarium. You will likely have babies after purchasing. LOWEST price.
10+1 Fire Red - Freshwater Neocaridina Shrimp
(Sacramento)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories You are buying:10+1 Fire Red juvies from my high grade tank. These are all homebred here in the USA so you don’t have to worry about diseases and such. You will receive juvies that are close to bree...
Bumblebee Millipede 2 pack
(Fort Lauderdale)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Bumblebee Millipede 2 pack. Shipped with USPS First Class.
Fairy Shrimp eggs food For Baby Fish, Betta ,Guppy, Killifish  - Pets & Animals / Accessories It is a live food for your New born fish, Bettafish, Killifish ,Guppy and other Live feeder fishes. Fairy Shrimp Type: Branchinella thailandensis. Why Fairy Shrimp will be good for your fish. High pro...
LIVE Brown Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (EXACT CRAY IN PICS) *read description*
(High Point)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Live Brown ( Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish. Sex: Male (underside shown in 5th pic). ).
LIVE Red/Brown Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (EXACT CRAY IN PICS) *read description*
(High Point)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Live Brown with red claws Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish. Sex: Male (underside shown in 5th pic).
(Chicago)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Ramshorn Snails are excellent for a small cleanup crew as they eat algae, leftover food and decaying plant matter. They will NOT eat live plants in your aquarium. They will reproduce quickly if they a...
Crayfish (10) for Pond Fish Tank
(Hialeah)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Crayfish (10) for Pond Fish Tank. SIZE VARIES Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.
ReefNation Dragonfly
(Saint Charles)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Water Chemistry : Alkalinty- 7.5-8, Magnesium 1290-1350, Salinity- 3...
50+ Organically Raised Live Isopods Clean Up Crew Feeders Pill Bugs Educational
(Maple Hill)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Armadillidiidae is a family of woodlice, a terrestrial crustacean group in the order Isopoda.
Black Galaxy Pinto A/S Caridina Live Tropical Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp
(San Gabriel)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories When using fertilizer, make sure it does not contain copper as it is harmful to the shrimp’s health. (Provides a balanced diet, enhances coloration, and promotes shrimp's immunity). Black Galaxy Pin...
Magenta Mystery Snails 8 to 10 weeks old Healthy Happy Snails! EB-5482
(Springfield)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Magenta (Purple shell, white flesh) Mystery Snail babies 8 to 10 weeks old.
Orange Eye Yellow King Kong Caridina Live Tropical Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp
(San Gabriel)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories When using fertilizer, make sure it does not contain copper as it is harmful to the shrimp’s health. (Provides a balanced diet, enhances coloration, and promotes shrimp's immunity). It is believed t...
Live Blue Dream&Rili Shrimp Freshwater Dwarf Shrimp | Neocaridina Davidi
(Metuchen)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories These shrimp are good in at least a 1 gallon aquarium. AGES: JUVINILE TO SUB-ADULT.