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Los Angeles Pets & Animals

13 July
ReefNation Teal Green Granulosa
(Saint Charles)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Water Chemistry : Alkalinty- 7.5-8, Magnesium 1290-1350, Salinity- 3...
3 Gold Mystery Snails (Pomacea Bridgesii) - Live Freshwater Snail
(Vienna)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 3 Gold Mystery Snails (Pomacea Bridgesii) - Live Freshwater Snail. Home breed.
WWC Frozen Rose
(Saint Charles)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Place the coral on a rock or ledge in a location that receives ample lighting and random flow. Size : You will receive a. 5-2" piece of this coral. If this is a zoa or softy, we will get you 1-10 head...
30 High-Grade Cherry Shrimp (USA Bred Bloody Mary Neocaridina)
(North Hollywood)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Cherry shrimp are often stressed from traveling and may arrive with pale color. When stressed, males may try to go clear and females may lighten up their backs, giving them a stripe. This is normal fo...
Blue Leg Hermit Crabs, Saltwater Cleaners, Inverts, Algae Eater, ATR
(Largo)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Blue Leg Hermit Crabs, Saltwater Cleaners, Inverts, Algae Eater, ATR. Shipped with FedEx Standard Overnight.
Mandalorian Shrimp 10+1
(Blue Springs)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Mandalorian Shrimp. Shipped with USPS First Class. Enjoy these blue neocaridina davidi shrimp similar to the ones seen in the famous tv show
10 +1 Pure Black Line Crystal Red Shrimp PBL CBS Caridina HOMEBRED
(Irvine)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Hence, their stronger coloration. 10+ 1 PBL CBS. Pure Black Line shrimp is a highly selectively bred Crystal Black shrimp that will never produce a Golden Bee offspring and will never produce differen...
Primary Colors Dwarf Shrimp Combo Pack (Sakura Red, Neon Yellow, and Sky Blue),
(Indianapolis)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Includes 5 Sakura Red Cherry Shrimp. 5 Neon Yellow Shrimp, and 5 Sky Blue Shrimp. Sakura Red Cherry Shrimp : These shrimp feature a deep red coloration that contrasts particularly well with green plan...
5 Fresh water snails
(Madera)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Fresh water snails. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Water will do fine with these snails mine 65f in winter and 84f in the summer 7.4 pH and ~ 200ppm gh. I have also put them in tanks that were not t...
KGB Zoas
(Saint Charles)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories We appreciate it! Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Water Chemistry : Alkalinty- 7.5-8, Magnesium 1290...
HB Blue (1M/F Pair)
(Cleveland)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories These are fish similar to the ones seen in the pictures. These guppies are 4-5 months old and colors are bold and beautiful. Your fish will look just like the ones in the pictures with very little var...
Nano or Top Up Clean Up Crew
(New Port Richey)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories No exceptions or excuses, no credit without photo. 5 - White or Red Leg Hermit Crabs.
red ramshorn snails. 35+ aquarium cleaners 
(Whittier)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories 30+ red ramshorn snail.
Golden Inca Mystery Snails (SEE VIDEO) (Pomacea Bridgesii) Free Shipping Option
(Verona)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Whether you call them Inca, or Apple snails these are wonderful additions to any aquarium. (Avoid putting them into tanks with predator fish or tentacle nippers though.). Gold & Ivory Mystery snails r...
LIVE Red/Brown Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish (EXACT CRAY IN PICS) *read description*
(High Point)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Live Red/Brown Clarkii Juvenile Crayfish. Sex: Female (underside shown in 5th pic).
3 Premium Pure Line Juvenile Magenta Mystery Snails ( Over 23rd Generation)
(Blue Bell)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Very slow moving gastropods, always hungry and that will grown in a heart-beat. 3 Premium Pure Line Juvenile Magenta Mystery Snails. Mystery Snails eat a big variety of foods such as We will get back ...
Live isopods powder blue (Porcellionides pruinosus "powder blue")
(Urbana)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories Porcellionides pruinosis "powder blue". Powder blue isopods are a great addition to a humid terrarium. Isopods are substrate cleaners and the adults and nymphs are suitable as feeders. Amount:sold by ...
Painted Sunkist Orange Live Shrimp | Neocaridina | Mixed Ages | HIGH GRADE
(Metuchen)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories These shrimp are good in at least a 1 gallon aquarium. Shrimp grades are mixed but mostly high. LOWEST price.
30 Malaysian Trumpet Snails
(Minneapolis)  - Pets & Animals / Accessories If you tend to over feed, MTS can reproduce rapidly. Never fear! The larger snails hold tightly to the surface they are on and can be hand-picked or left to provide you more cleaning crew! MTS rarely ...
Aquarium Glass Egg Tumbler Incubator Crystal Cherry Shrimp Hatching Hatchery NEW  - Pets & Animals / Accessories A Glass Incubator Egg Tumbler is the best invention for saving those unhatched eggs! A must have as part of your shrimp keeping supplies. Often female shrimp can drop their eggs due to many different ...