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13 July |
Blue Dragon Guppy Pair (1M/F Pair)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Blue Dragon Guppy Pair. These are fish similar to the ones seen in the pictures. These guppies are 4-5 months old and colors are bold and beautiful. Your fish will look just like the ones in the pictu...
10+ Red Ramshorn Snails Baby to Juvenile
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
However, keep them away from assassin snails. then they gain the blue tint you see. I provide a mix of baby & juvenile ramshorn sizes as supplies vary.
Pearl mystery snails Three pack
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Pearl mystery snails Three pack. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. Pearl colored mystery snails tank raised! They are fed vegetables, fruit, fish food, algae wafers, and calcium rich pellets.
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Tadpoles help keep water clear by eating the algae. Can be kept outside in ponds or inside in aquariums. Educational for kids to watch grow. Easy to raise.
Cherry Shrimp 5 Plus 1 BONUS
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The Aquatic Vibe Upgraded Shipping USPS Priority Mail WITH HEAT OR COOL PACK
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Mystery Snails! Bundle of 5 Mystery Snails in a Variety of Our Colors!Â
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
You will find the most unique colors and variations in the selection of snails that we have! Our royal grape varieties have dark and rich purple tones that allow your snail to standout in the light or...
7 Chocolate shrimps
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Atlantoscia floridana - 20 count "Florida Fast" Isopods ~ thegoodbug
(West Jordan)
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You will receive 20+ Florida Fast Isopods. This will give you a backup in case the crew has issues.
Aquatic Animals Molly fish frays and Blue and Gold Mystery snails
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
aquatic Molly fish frys and Blue and Gold Mystery snails. local pick up will deliver for fee...
Shawn Bennet Yellow Tort
(Saint Charles)
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We appreciate it! Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting to maintain proper color. Water Chemistry : Alkalinty- 7.5-8, Magnesium 1290...
30 pcs Orange Rili Noes Free Fedex Overnight shipping
(San Jose)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
30 Pcs Orange Rili Neos. Parasite FREE. We're also looking for wholesale partner (distributor). Pickup: San Jose, CA (zip code:95132). Skype: proe1109.
20+ Extra Large Freshwater Malaysian Trumpet Snails Over 1"+ Size HUGE XL MTS
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Food Sources: Malaysian Trumpet Snails like left-overs including uneaten fish food, fish flakes, bottom feeder tablets, pellets, and algae wafers. They also enjoy all sorts of debris, detritus andsoft...
50+ Freshwater Malaysian Trumpet (MTS) / Feeder Snails
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
( Usually 1.5 cm on average).
Ivory Mystery Snail 4 Pack Tank Raised, Healthy!!
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
I will also include ONE EXTRA mystery snail to insure against any DoA's. These snails are all almost breeding age. Given another couple weeks, clean water, and healthy food, you will likely see mating...
Live Bullfrog Polliwog Tadpole for tank/pond
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
10 live blue neocaridina shrimp shrimp blue dream blue velvet
(Glen Saint Mary)
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Healthy Active blue neocaridina shrimp 10. Ive raised them for years they hardy and adjust to water changing with almost zero death's.
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp: Great for cleaning rocks and eliminating parasites!
1200 Amphipods Cultured Pods Saltwater Variety Seed Refugium Starter Fish Food
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Our Aquacultured Saltwater Amphipods have been grown in our coral nursery for the past 15 years in recirculating fish less systems. Buy Amphipods and Seed your refugium and live rock or sump. Start br...
Reef Raft Bees Knees
(Saint Charles)
- Pets & Animals / Accessories
Place the coral on a rock or ledge in a location that receives ample lighting and random flow. Lighting Intensity : 300-350 PAR Acropora corals require moderate to high water flow and intense lighting...