Model: OG12864A
Resolution: 128 x 64
Power supply: 5V
Interface: 6800
IC: NT7108
Duty: 1/64 Duty
Mechanical Data
Monochrome Graphic (Dot Matrix) LCD module
is featured stable and standard design which enable to digitize your product
through a single chip controlled. This type of LCD display is able to perform
better than the LED segment display with user experience.
Our 128x64 LCD module can apply for
industrial equipment such as medical, white goods, communication, entertainment
field..etc. You can always choose the proper LCD module according to your
application needs.
Polarizer options: Reflective/
Tranflective/ Tranmission
LCD type options: TN/ STN/HTN/FSTN
LCD color options: Yellow Geen/ Blue/ Black
LED backlight options: White/ Blue/ Yellow
Green/ Green/ Red/ Amber..etc
Item Dimension(m*m)
Module dimension: 93.0 x 70.0
View area: 72.0 x 40.0
Active area: 66.52 x 33.24
Dot pitch: 0.52 x 0.52