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03 November
Ein Frauenleben im Dienste des Ewigen
(Estambul, Istanbul) Mein Weg als Lehrprophetin und Botschafterin Gottes in dieser Zeitenwende Gabriele Seit nahezu 50 Jahren dient Gabriele Gott, dem Ewigen, als Seine Lehrprophetin und Botschafterin. In ihren auto...
 For Sale 22.00
06 October
eBook Reincarnation Life's Gift of Grace
(Diyarbakir, Diyarbakir) Product Information Where is our homeland? Are we at home in this world? Or are we only passing through? Is it visible matter that carries us – or did we come from somewhere else? Thi...
 For Sale 4.00
08 September
Welcome to the website of Radio Santec Sophia TV
(Turkey, Izmir) Radio Santec – SOPHIA TV is an international and independent Original Christian radio and TV station. The content of the programs examines the most diverse areas of life from the perspe...
 For Sale -
16 June
Ebook Las grandes enseñanzas cósmicas de Jesús de Nazaret
(Esmirna, Izmir) Las grandes enseñanzas cósmicas de Jesús de Nazaret son la Ley Absoluta, la ley de la verdadera vida, que Él hace unos 2000 años enseñó a Sus apóstoles y discípulos que Le podían c...
 For Sale 13.00
02 June
No Image eBookThe Speaking All Unity The Word of the Universal Creator-Spirit
(Diyarbakir, Diyarbakir) The Word of the Universal Creator-Spirit. Did you ever have the feeling that you were connected to a higher power, but not a religion – because the teachings were inconsistent and your qu...
 For Sale 13.00