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Austria Dogs, Puppies

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17 February
Long haired Dachshund
(Vienna, Vienna) For sale long-haired dachshunds and short-haired dachshunds with long hair.The puppies are 9 weeks old and have received 2 vaccinations.For more information, call+381605605533
 For Sale -
16 February
Pitbull Terrier Welpen
(Knjazevac, Serbien, Vienna) Pitbull Terrier Welpen zu verkaufen aus wiederholter Kreuzung Aldo x Rea. Geboren am 14. Januar. Es sind 3 Rüden (2 Bluenose und 1 Lilac Fawn) und 2 Lilac Hündinnen verfügbar. Mögliche Bilder und ...
 For Sale -
15 February
Caucasian shepherds
(Vienna, Vienna) Caucasian Shepherd dogs for sale. Excellent pedigree and excellent keepers.+381631939554
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Pomeranian puppies
(Novi Sad, Serbia, Vienna) Pomeranian puppies, twenty years of experience and a large number of healthy cynologically successful dogs are an indicator of our work. The kennel offers top-quality puppies, cleaned of parasites, va...
 For Sale 500.00
Long-haired mini dachshund puppies
(Novi Sad, Serbia, Vienna) Long-haired mini dachshund puppies, vaccinated and revaccinated. With each puppy you get a clinical examination by a veterinarian, chip, passport, pedigree and a starter pack of pellets.Call on phon...
 For Sale 1200.00
14 February
Shiba inu puppies of champion origin
(Dragoljub Popetr, Vienna) Champion litter of Shiba inu puppies raised with lots of love and attention, born on 28.11.2024. year.Father Byron, a male of champion origin (father imported from Russia, multiple international champ...
 For Sale -
(Belgrade, Serbia, Vienna) Puppies of different ages of Doberman from genetically tested parents, come with all papers after 3 vaccines + rabies, passport, chip, pedigree. FCI kennel with 13 years of experience, we deliver dogs...
 For Sale -
13 February
Purebred Pomeranian female
(Vienna, Vienna) Registered kennel Animal Kingdom Milic fci 7866,in the offer is a purebred Pomeranian female of small stature in orange color,weighing 980 grams. Stene is 10 months old.The parents of the puppies are ...
 For Sale 2000.00
12 February
Premium pomeranians of BOO SALE ACTION
(Vienna, Vienna) Beautiful pomeranians of BOO, of high quality of both genres in several colors. Affectionate and cheerful nature, used to children and home conditions. Vaccinated and cleaned of parasites and worms, r...
 For Sale 1000.00
Purebred Boo Pomeranian puppies
(Belgrade, Serbia , Vienna) Purebred Boo Pomeranian puppies both sexes, vaccinated with pedigree, EU passport, chip. Parents from Russia of champion origin.https://prodajapomeranaca.com/ If you want a lifelong furry friend phon...
 For Sale -
Bull terrier puppies
(Vienna, Vienna) SUGAR SKULL Bull Terrier Kennel has several puppies available for reservation Puppies were born on 10.01. And they will be ready for download at the beginning of March. Until then, he will receive all...
 For Sale -
Beautiful Pomeranians from BOO
(Vienna, Vienna) Beautiful pomeranians of BOO, of high quality of both sexes in several colors. Affectionate and cheerful nature, used to children and home conditions. Vaccinated and cleaned of parasites and worms, re...
 For Sale -
French bulldog
(Vienna, Vienna) I am selling extra French Bulldog puppies. Sire of puppies CAPRICE D'OLIVIER 5 / 3XJCAC / JCHSRB/ 3XCAC/ 4X BOB. Dam of PANDORA5/PRM /JBOB/CAC/BOB/BOG.Price 250 euro.+381658125863
 For Sale 250.00
11 February
Apricot miniature poodle
(Vienna, Vienna) Offer Apricot Miniature Poodle Puppies.Vaccinated and cleaned several times of parasites.Raised in home conditions.Ready for downloadFor more information callViber: +38163516634WhatsApp: +38161103...
 For Sale -
Lagotto Romagnolo Welpen
(Kragujevac, Serbien, Vienna) Der Zwinger „Bellgotto“ präsentiert einen neuen Wurf Lagoto Romagnolo Welpen, geboren am 30. Dezember 2024. Die Welpen sind von höchster Qualität, ordnungsgemäß von Parasiten befreit und rege...
 For Sale -
Poodle standard Puppies
(Vienna, Vienna) Standard poodle puppies ready for pickup, three months old. Registered in FCI, with complete canine and veterinary documentation. Father: Just Happy Marco; mch, C.I.B., mBIS and MBISSDam: Baldemar Dif...
 For Sale -
09 February
Pomeranian, wunderschöne Welpen
(Novi Sad, Serbien, Vienna) Zwergspitz, Welpen von importierten Eltern mit entsprechenden Unterlagen. Die Welpen werden regelmäßig entwurmt, geimpft und nachgeimpft.Preis 400 €.Kontakt:Sinisa Cosic+381642955020Kisac (Novi Sa...
 For Sale 400.00
08 February
Pomeranians, wunderschöne Welpen
(Novi Sad, Serbien, Vienna) Schöne Pomeranian Spitz-Welpen verfügbar. Professionell aufgezogen unter Aufsicht einer Tierklinik. Ordentlich von Parasiten befreit und regelmäßig geimpft. Unsere Kunden erhalten einen Kaufvertra...
 For Sale -
06 February
Amerikanische Akita-Welpen
(Zrenjanin, Serbien, Vienna) Schöne amerikanische Akita-Welpen von außergewöhnlicher Qualität zu verkaufen. Die Eltern stammen von Champions ab, die Mutter wurde aus Russland importiert. Jugendchampion von Serbien BOB, CAC CA...
 For Sale -
Pomeranian Spitz
(Asanja, Pecinci, Serbia, Vienna) Hermosos cachorros de Pomeranian Spitzcriados en casa,limpiados de parásitos y vacunados regularmente,ambos padres son míos,posibilidad de hacer pasaportes y papeles.Precio: 500 €Teléfono de cont...
 For Sale 500.00

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