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France Pets & Animals

13 March
Chiots mâles Husky Sibérien
(Ruma, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies L'Ă©levage Angel Vision, enregistrĂ© sous le numĂ©ro FCI 7854, compte quatre chiots mâles Husky SibĂ©rien prĂŞts Ă  trouver un nouveau foyer. Les chiots avaient des oreilles bien placĂ©es, des yeux e...
10 March
Stunning Toyger kittiens Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Cats, Kittens Stunning Toyger kittiens They are absolutely beautiful ready for her forever loving home only litter trained eating wet and dry food loves her kitten milk she’s so playful and happy loves snuggles ...
Cutes Russian blue kittens Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Cats, Kittens Cutes Russian blue kittensThey are absolutely beautiful ready for her forever loving home only litter trained eating wet and dry food loves her kitten milk she’s so playful and happy loves snuggle...
Gorgeous full persian kittens Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Cats, Kittens Gorgeous full persian kittensDue to my work pattern changing I am having to part with my cat she is the most lovable cat , sha loves nothing more than cuddling up with you , she is flead and wormed sh...
British shorthair kittens Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Cats, Kittens British shorthair kittensBritish shorthair kitten , indoor cat only,perfect with scratch post and toilet, fleas and worm treated, Very loved kitten like to play,very socialising,living with 2 children...
Dedigree Bengal kittens ready now Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Cats, Kittens Dedigree Bengal kittens ready nowWe have 4 beautiful bengal kittens that are looking for their forever homes. They have bundles of personality, lots of energy and all the qualities that you'd expect f...
Beautiful poodle puppies Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Beautiful poodle puppiesfirst vaccinations, Wormed and defleed , microchipped, please contact me if you have any further questionsMy other shih tzu just wont take to her. Shes fully vaccinated. Wormed...
Pedigree imperial Shih Tzu puppies Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Pedigree imperial Shih Tzu puppiesfirst vaccinations, Wormed and defleed , microchipped, please contact me if you have any further questionsMy other shih tzu just wont take to her. Shes fully vaccin...
Beautiful Pomeranian puppies Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Beautiful Pomeranian puppiesfirst vaccinations, Wormed and defective, microchipped, please contact me if you have any further questions My other shih tzu just wont take to her. Shes fully vaccinated. ...
Beautiful Maltese puppies are ready Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Beautiful Maltese puppies are readyfirst vaccinations, Wormed and defective, microchipped; please contact me if you have any further questions. My other Shih tzu is simply not interested in her. She...
Amazing Yorkie puppies Business WhatsApp: +37256348129
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Amazing Yorkie puppiesfirst vaccinations, Wormed and defective, microchipped, please contact me if you have any further questions My other shih tzu just wont take to her. Shes fully vaccinated. Worm...
03 March
Adorable maltese puppies available Business Whatsapp Contact : +447537984050
(paris, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies 8 weeks old Maltese puppies are looking for a loving home. 2 male and 1 female available.Non shedding and hypoallergic. They have pee pad training and pen training. Puppies are friendly and healthy. T...
14 February
Chiots Doberman
(Belgrade, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Chiots de diffĂ©rents âges de Dobermande parents gĂ©nĂ©tiquement testĂ©s,venez avec tous les papiers après 3 vaccins + rage,passeport, puce, pedigree.Élevage FCI avec 13 ans d'expĂ©rience,nous li...
11 February
Chiots Lagotto Romagnolo
(Kragujevac, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies L'Ă©levage "Bellgotto" prĂ©sente une nouvelle portĂ©e de chiots Lagoto Romagnolo nĂ©s le 30 dĂ©cembre 2024. Les chiots sont de qualitĂ© supĂ©rieure, correctement nettoyĂ©s des parasites et rĂ©gulière...
03 February
Chiots Doberman
(Obrenovac, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Chiots Doberman nĂ©s le 14 janvier 2025, gĂ©nĂ©tiquement sains, beaux, grands, d'excellents parents. Au moment oĂą les chiots seront rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ©s, ils recevront tous les vaccins nĂ©cessaires et seront...
01 February
Chiots Cocker Spaniel anglais
(Ada, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Chiots Cocker Spaniel Anglais Ă  vendre. VermifugĂ© plusieurs fois, vaccinĂ© et revaccinĂ©, avec pedigree.Contact:+381638527361NorbertAda, SerbiePrix ​​: 400 €
30 January
Chiots de différents âges de Doberman
(Belgrade, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Chiots de diffĂ©rents âges de Dobermande parents gĂ©nĂ©tiquement testĂ©s,venez avec tous les papiers après 3 vaccins + rage,passeport, puce, pedigree.Élevage FCI avec 13 ans d'expĂ©rience,nous li...
29 January
Akita Inu, chienne Aiko en cadeau
(Indjija, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies J'Ă©cris ce post dans l'espoir que quelqu'un reconnaĂ®tra sa beautĂ© et son caractère et souhaitera qu'elle soit son amie fidèle pour le reste de sa vie, dans laquelle vous serez son personnage prin...
08 January
Chiots American Staffordshire Terrier
(Vrsac, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Chiots American Staffordshire Terrier - Blue line Ă  vendre, nĂ©s le 09 novembre 2024. Les chiots sont correctement vaccinĂ©s et vermifugĂ©s.Pour plus d'informations, contactez-nous autĂ©lĂ©phone/Vibe...
03 January
Chiots exotiques bouledogue français
(Trstenik, Serbie, Paris)  - Pets & Animals / Dogs, Puppies Chiots exotiques bouledogue françaisTransport possible dans le monde entier.tel & wa & vib +381637727154insta: french_bulldog_gladnessAlexanderTrstenik, Serbie

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